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  • 0,00 € - 540,00 €

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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla

Filtros activos

  • Categoría: Carrera
  • Categoría: Juego de guerra
  • Wave 7 The Great Rebellion - Masters of...

    ¡Eteria necesita ayuda! Lo que, en la superficie, parece un mundo impresionante, es en realidad una distopía. Está dominado por el puño de hierro de la Horda del Mal, que tomó el control de ese planeta hace mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, la esperanza parpadea en el horizonte. La Gran Rebelión resiste el gobierno del opresor e intenta cada día poner fin a su tiranía. No hay tiempo que perder: ¡She-Ra y sus amigos necesitan tu ayuda!

  • Fields of Eternia Llegan los Dragones -...

    Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia - Llegan los Dragones es una expansión para el juego de mesa Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia que proporciona nuevos escenarios para jugar, jefes desafiantes para luchar y enriquece la exploración en todo el mapa.

  • Fields of Eternia Enter the Dragons! -...

    In the land of Eternia, the forces of good, led by the Masters of the Universe and aided by the noble dragons of Darksmoke, must face off against the Forces of Evil and their "new weapon", the human-dragon hybrid known as Draego-Man. As tensions rise and the two sides prepare for battle, it's up to players to decide who will emerge victorious. Will the combined strength of the forces of good triumph, or will Draego-Man's power prove too great to overcome? Play the "Enter the Dragons!" expansion to find out!

  • Terrible Swift Swordfish (Inglés)

    An LPS bonus mini-game, Terrible Swift Swordfish is a solitaire simulation of the Royal Navy's bold and devastating attack on the ships of the Regia Marina in the port of Taranto during the night of November 11-12, 1940.

  • Berestechko 1651 (Inglés)

    Berestechko 1651 is a game for two players simulating the third day of the battle of Berestechko, fought on 30th June 1651 between the Zaporozhian Cossacks, led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky and aided by their Crimean Tatar allies, and a Polish-Lituanian army under King John II Casimir, near the Styr river in Volhynia It was one of the largest land battles of 17th century Europe.

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    Rebel Fury: Six Battles from the Campaigns...

    This design features a new system on Civil War combat akin to the old SPI Blue and Gray Quads. Each game in Rebel Fury is quick-set-up, quick-playing, and deeply interactive. The density of counters in each scenario is low, allowing you to see and experience the big picture of the battle.

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    France '40: 2nd Edition (Inglés)

    France '40 covers the crucial 10 days in May, 1940 when the German army broke the French line on the Meuse and raced to the sea at Abbeville. The daring sickle-like-cut across France cut off the BEF from their bases in Normandy and also trapped the French 1st and 7th Armies in Picardy. The French high-command became paralyzed and failed to counterattack. The British saw the situation was hopeless and headed for Dunkirk. It doomed France.

  • Primer: The Gamer's Source for Battles...

    The BAR Primer is an enjoyable, user-friendly source for those who want to learn the Battles from the Age of Reason (BAR) game system or those who want to improve their knowledge of the system. Included in the BAR Primer are illustrated, easy-to-read explanations and examples of all of the most important BAR rules. There is a section on BAR tactics and a programmed instruction Learning Modules section that will allow gamers to gradually and painlessly learn the system.  The BAR Primer also includes a section of charts that are exclusive to the BAR Primer.

  • Codex: Adeptus Custodes - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Los Adeptus Custodes son enormes campeones ataviados con brillantes armaduras de auramita que protegerán al Emperador a cualquier precio.

  • Codex: Adeptus Custodes - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    The Adeptus Custodes are towering champions clad in gleaming auramite who will protect the Emperor at any cost.

  • Dice: Adeptus Custodes - WARHAMMER 40,000

    ¡Por el Emperador! Consigue estos dados, especialmente diseñados para combinar con tu ejército del Adeptus Custodes. Estos dados bendecirán tu mesa con cada lanzamiento, lo que te permitirá acabar con tus enemigos con facilidad.

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    Campeones Áuricos: Adeptus Custodes...

    Lo es habitual que los Adeptus Custodes se organicen en grandes formaciones, pero cuando lo hacen son un huracán de destrucción.

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    Patrulla: Adeptus Custodes - Warhammer 40,000

    Los Adeptus Custodes son un ejército sin igual. Guerreros menores verían en cada uno de sus miembros a un poderoso héroe capaz de superar a unidades o incluso ejércitos enteros de enemigos más débiles.

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    Patrulla: Orkos - Warhammer 40,000 (Inglés)

    A los orkos les gusta la gresca sobre todas las cosas. Estas bestias brutales y violentas recorren la galaxia en grandes hordas que se lanzan con euforia a la refriega en medio de un ensordecedor grito de “¡Waaagh!”

  • Codex: Orkos - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Los Orkos son criaturas brutales y violentas a las que les apasiona la pelea. Son enormes y robustos, con cráneos gruesos y mandíbulas anchas.

  • Codex: Orkos - WARHAM (Inglés)

    Orks are brutal and violent aliens who love nothing more than to fight. They are tough, with hulking physiques, thick skulls, and toothy maws.

  • Dice: Orks - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Dice: Orks - WARHAMMER 40,000

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    ¡Esparta! Lucha por Grecia

    ¡En ESPARTA! manda a los atenienses o espartanos en una batalla para gobernar el mundo griego.

    Logra el dominio y controla regiones valiosas que otorgan beneficios únicos, ya sea la riqueza de Sicilia, las flotas de Corinto o alianzas con ciudades más grandes como Tebas o Siracusa para proporcionar nuevos reclutas para la batalla. Incluso podrías reunir a los persas y macedonios a tu lado.

  • Enhanced Runes - Lords of Ragnarok (Inglés)

    With this expansion you will be able to enhance your gameplay experience by switching Runes and Rune Forge tokens with upgraded high quality miniatures.

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    ¡Esparta! Deluxe (Versión Ks)

    Un juego de Kris Van Beurden (Barbarian at the gates, Europe in turmoil) que enfrenta a Atenas y Esparta en su pugna por controlar Grecia.

    Para 1 o 2 jugadores, recoge los escenarios de la guerra del Peloponeso y la guerra de Tebas, así como la campaña enlazando ambos escenarios.

  • Trekking

    TCG Factory te invita a disfrutar de un agradable paseo por la montaña con Trekking. En este eurogame familiar cada uno de los jugadores hará una ruta distinta y ganará puntos en función de los caminos que haya tomado, los animales que haya visto y las cimas que haya coronado. Una carrera contra los otros jugadores en la que tendrás que planificar bien tu ruta para conseguir todos tus objetivos sin perder toda tu energía.

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    [Pre-Venta 03/05/2024] Diplomacy

    Diplomacy es el juego de mesa de estrategia militar por antonomasia. Diplomacy permite la negociación entre los jugadores, negociaciones que luego no tienen por que cumplirse. Las unidades militares tienen todas la misma fuerza o poder de ataque, por lo que las ayudas (propias o de otros jugadores) se hacen imprescindibles.

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    Kill Team: Nightmare - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    The industrial world of Bheta-Decima is collapsing, its surface ravaged by the burning debris and tainted inhabitants of the space hulk Gallowdark. In the ensuing chaos, a Magos Biologis sends an urgent distress call – and is answered by a Scout Squad of the Raven Guard, bound by a centuries-old debt to extract him and his research from a crumbling ocean-rig complex. However, a Blades of Khaine kill team has been dispatched to foil their escape – and the very fate of the Aeldari could depend on it.

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    Tanto Monta El Auge de Isabel y Fernando

    Corre el año 1469. La Península Ibérica se ha ido fraccionando en distintos califatos y reinos a lo largo de 700 años. La guerra – una parte de la competencia entre los cristianos y los musulmanes que se llama la Reconquista – ha sido la única constante. Han ofrecido la mano de Isabel de Castilla, con 18 años, tanto a Portugal como a Francia. En contra de los deseos de su hermano, Enrique IV, rechaza a los dos y se fuga para casarse con su prometido original, Fernando II. Después de cinco años, su hermano muere y ella se convierte en la Reina de Castilla. Pero ¿puede esta frágil alianza sobrevivir las amenazas que la rodean?

  • Deluxe DC Universe Rulebook (Inglés)

    In blackest day and darkest night, when all odds are stacked against them by super villains, interstellar invaders, crazed despots and maniacal anarchists, the world’s finest heroes assemble to face the threat. Now, with the DC Universe Miniature Game, the stories of these epic battles between superhumans, gods and monsters is at your fingertips…

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    Sealion Deluxe Edition (Inglés)

    Operation Sealion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) was Nazi Germany’s code name for the plan for an invasion of England during the Battle of Britain. Historically, the Royal Air Force successfully defended England and precluded the invasion, but it was a close call. Events and military choices might have driven the RAF from southern English skies and permitted the invasion to be carried out. Sealion is a two-player wargame simulating a hypothetical German invasion of England in September of 1940. The British have lost the aerial Battle over Britain. However, the RAF has not been completely vanquished, and the Royal Navy’s Home Fleet can still present a credible threat to the German landings and supply lines in the English Channel.

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    Nemo's War: The Ultimate Edition (Inglés)

    Jules Verne's classic novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas tells the story of Captain Nemo and his astounding ship, the Nautilus. The second edition of Nemo's War, Victory Point Games' popular solitaire offering from designer Chris Taylor, is a greatly enhanced offering featuring mass-production printing and amazing Ian O'Toole art and graphics throughout.

  • Replacement Countersheet 2023

    We are happy to announce today that we have created a "2023 Replacement Countersheet" that includes all of the counter updates that we and the designers know of as errata for games from 2022 and several from 2023. Tony and I have discussed how best to get these counters to any of you who want them and we have decided to let you basically "opt in" to getting them so we know exactly who wants them. So we're setting it up like a P500 item - except that it's already approved to print. We just need to know how many of you want the item.

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    The Plum Island Horror (Inglés)

    On October 24th of an unspecified year—which we are only legally allowed to disclose as “from the recent past”—“Super Storm Nancy” plowed into the East Coast of the United States. Thousands of miles of coastline were devastated, but for Plum Island, a large albeit vulnerable atoll smack dab in the middle of the storm’s path of destruction, it was a horrifying gray-green, apocalyptic nightmare.

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    Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V...

    The Normans, and their successors, had a large impact on history. Normans, from Nortmann (northman), were originally Viking raiders that settled in what would now be northern France. Normans gained territory as far away as southern Italy and Sicily, and modern day Syria. They were Crusaders, they were Kings, they were princes, and they were scoundrels. They began as raiders from the north that fought on foot and transformed themselves into Dukes, Kings, and princes that fought from horseback.

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    Tanto Monta: The Rise of Ferdinand and...

    BACKGROUND: 1469 - The Iberian Peninsula has been splintered into numerous caliphates and kingdoms over the last 700 years. Warfare—part of the desperate competition between Christian and Muslim faiths often referred to as the Reconquista—has been the one constant. Now age 18, Isabella of Castile has already been offered in marriage alliances to both Portugal and France.

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    Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of...

    Gathering at the monastery of Sringeri in Karnataka, the Sangama brothers have anticipated the ebb of Delhi’s authority in the Deccan and the crumbling of the Hoysala kingdom. From these ashes will rise Vijayanagara, “City of Victory,” which will ascend to take its place among the great empires of the medieval world. Meanwhile, the Bahmani Amirs have established their own kingdom, one which will rival Vijayanagara in strength and culture for decades to come. And in the mountains to the northwest, Mongol hordes are gathering, their eyes fixed upon Delhi from above.

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    Panzer North Africa (Inglés)

    The mystical desert sands are mesmerizing even for the most battle-hardened veteran. Poised in your turret, you glance at the barren landscape, fondly recalling the lush, green fields of France. With only the whisper of the hot wind to keep you company, your mind drifts to that Bedouin proverb, “Only in complete silence, will you hear the desert.”

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    Crimea: Conquest & Liberation (Inglés)

    Crimea covers the series of campaigns in the Crimean Peninsula during the war on the Eastern Front. Several scenarios cover the period of Axis ascendancy during the period September 1941 – July 1942. 

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    Orsogna - ASL (Inglés)

    ORSOGNA depicts the struggles of 2nd New Zealand Division to control the area around the Italian village of Orsogna in December 1943 and the stubborn German LXXVI. Panzerkorps defense led by the 26. Panzer-Division.

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    Banish All Their Fears: Bayonet & Musket...

    "Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules, Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these, But of all the world’s great heroes, There’s none that can compare, With a tow, row row row , row row row, To the British Grenadiers. None of these ancient heroes ne’er saw a cannon ball, Nor knew the force of powder to slay their foes with all, But our brave boys do know it and banish all their fears, Sing tow, row row row , row row row, For the British Grenadiers."

    The British Grenadiers, traditional lyrics

  • Orc Bosses: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...

    Los Orc Bosses son los más grandes y fornidos de su especie, y dirigen sus tribus a la batalla, habiendo aplastado a sus rivales para lograr una posición de poder.

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    Orc Boyz Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...

    Los Orc Boyz forman regimientos anárquicos que se lanzan con entusiasmo contra el enemigo. Estas hordas luchan con primitivas armas de mano y pesados escudos, abriéndose paso a golpes entre sus contrincantes.

  • La vanguardia de Harma - Canción de Hielo...

    La vanguardia de Harma

    Los caballos oriundos del norte del Muro no suelen verse con frecuencia, de ahí que la vanguardia de Harma Cabeza de Perro resulte sumamente motivante para el Pueblo Libre.

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