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41018 Sevilla
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[Pre-Venta 30/01/2025] Kingdom legacy:...
Acabas de reclamar la región. Es momento de ponerse manos a la obra, hay un reino que erigir.
Kingdom legacy: Reino feudal es una campaña para un jugador que rebosa exploración fascinante y aventuras. Descubre cartas y aprende a usarlas a tu favor para superar las dificultades. Puede que tengas que romperlas, pero también las mejorarás y/o actualizarás con pegatinas; lo que sea necesario para llevar a tu reino a lo más alto. ¡Tu propio reino!
Por cierto, ¿has pensado en su nombre? Escríbelo en la caja con la tinta más dorada que puedas encontrar.
Este viaje comienza aquí…
[Pre-Venta 30/01/2025] Aventuras - Kingdom...
Las historias parecen demasiado fantásticas para ser ciertas: monstruos marinos gigantes, sirenas que llevan a los marineros por el mal camino, dragones y princesas, reliquias sagradas que hay que encontrar, y todas ellas son cuestiones urgentes. Las misiones y aventuras se acumulan ante ti como un gran banquete. ¿Cómo decidirás cuál es la mejor para tu reino? ¿Acaso necesitarás convocar a tu consejero mago y a su sagaz asistente?
[Pre-Venta 30/01/2025] Comerciantes -...
Tu reino es un núcleo comercial que atrae a comerciantes de todas partes con sus intrigantes y, a menudo, extraños productos. No puedes esperar a añadir estos raros tesoros a tu colección y estás más que dispuesto a intercambiar tus propios artículos (algo menos exóticos) por ellos.
Magneto: Pack de Héroe - Marvel Champions
«Pack de héroe Magneto»
Erik Lehnsherr renunció a su infame pasado como el peor enemigo de la Patrulla-X para perseguir el sueño de su amigo Xavier de alcanzar una coexistencia pacífica entre humanos y mutantes. ¡Ahora lucha del lado de los héroes como el poderoso Magneto!
[Pre-Venta 31/01/2025] The Hunted Blitz...
Ready-to-play out of the box, The Hunted Blitz Deck Collection provides everything you need to serve the Emperor's legacy or conspire with his assassins.
Códex Leicester de Leonardo da Vinci
Los jugadores se convierten en inventores que intentan dar vida a sus diseños, todos ellos inspirados en las notas del propio Maestro: el Códex Leicester de Leonardo da Vinci.
Annual 2022 : Stalingrad - Verdun on the...
A regimental-scale game of the two-month struggle for control of the 30-kilometer long industrial town that sat on the west bank of the Volga River. Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga is divided into several two-player scenarios (based on the historical German offensives in September and October). The game enables you to re-fight one of the most important battles of World War II in a single evening (a victory point check at the mid-way point that can keep games under three hours) using Rinella's favorite area impulse game system.
Personajes - Los Hombres Lobo de Castronegro
Numerosos ciclos lunares han pasado ya, y Castronegro es de nuevo un lugar tranquilo, salvo por la aparición de un “niño salvaje” que, cada noche, emerge desde lo más profundo del bosque, para romper la calma de la pequeña aldea con sus aullidos.
Imperial Navy Breachers - Datacards - Kill...
Imperial Navy Breachers are aggressive elite fighting troops. They are blunt instruments instructed extensively in close-quarter fighting techniques, and excel in the confines of mighty spaceships or sprawling hive cities.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Imperial Navy Breachers in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Bandaestirpe Acechante – Tarjetas de datos...
Las Bandaestirpes Acechantes están formadas por mercenarios oportunistas que a menudo operan lejos del mundo natal de los Kroot. Son expertos en saqueo, exploración e infiltración capaces de tender emboscadas magistrales y aniquilar al enemigo con las armas mortíferas que han amasado en sus largos años como cazarrecompensas.
Hierotek Circle - Datacards - Kill Team -...
A Hierotek Circle comprises deathless warriors of the xenos Necrons, gathered to further the immortal agendas of their arcane Cryptek masters. Made of living metal, they employ eldritch science to complete their clandestine missions.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Hierotek Circle in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token
Exaction Squad - Datacards - Kill Team -...
Exaction Squads enforce the Lex Imperialis – the Imperial Law. Made up of the most highly skilled Adeptus Arbites, they are despatched to hunt down heinous criminals and secure their targets alive.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Exaction Squad in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Blades of Khaine - Datacards - Kill Team -...
Blades of Khaine are elite Aeldari fighting formations assembled for one purpose – severing a precise strand of fate to ensure a terrible future for their craftworld, or their race as a whole, never comes to pass.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Blades of Khaine in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Marines de Plaga – Tarjetas de datos -...
La misión de los comandos de Marines de Plaga es sembrar el caos y la desesperación, ya sea como vanguardia de los formidables ejércitos de la Legión o infiltrándose tras las líneas enemigas tras el repliegue de las fuerzas aliadas. Se mueven inadvertidos, cual parásito letal a través de un huésped confiado, mientras infectan líneas de suministro, esparcen plagas y tienden trampas allá donde van.
Plague Marines - Datacards - Kill Team -...
Plague Marine kill teams are sent to spread mayhem and despair, either advancing ahead of the Legion’s vast armies or remaining behind enemy lines when the front lines roll back. They are akin to a deadly parasite moving through the body of an unsuspecting host, poisoning vital supply lines, spreading plagues, and laying traps wherever they go.
Tempestus Aquilons – Tarjetas de datos -...
Los Tempestus Aquilons aterrizan en el corazón del territorio enemigo con armas en ristre. Su gran variedad de equipo reglamentario poco habitual evidencia la presencia de agentes especialistas cuyas habilidades son capaces de cambiar el curso de conflictos enteros.
Tempestus Aquilons - Datacards - Kill Team...
Tempestus Aquilons drop into the heart of enemy-held territory with all guns blazing. Their regulation-issue loadouts of unusual equipment mark out specialist operatives whose skills can change the course of entire engagements.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Tempestus Aquilons in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Aguijones Alados Vespid - Tarjetas de...
Cuando los Aguijones Alados Véspid se abalanzan sobre el enemigo al vibrante son de sus alas membranosas, no hay escondite posible. Lanzan salvas punitivas con su armamento avanzado y están dotados de la resistencia suficiente para soportar el fuego enemigo.
Hill Tribesmen - The War of the Rohirrim -...
The barbaric Hill Tribesmen reside within the lands to the West of Rohan. Living in fractured communities, the tribesmen have long nurtured a hatred of the Rohirrim and, when rallied to a unified cause, this mindless rabble of dishevelled barbarians can turn into an army capable of threatening even Edoras itself.
Warriors of Rohan - The War of the...
In times of war, the warriors of Rohan will take up arms to protect their homes and villages against any who would seek to invade their lands. When the armies of the hill tribes gather outside Edoras, these hardy warriors stand defiant, felling Hill Tribesmen with sword, axe, bow, and spear.
Armies of The Hobbit - Middle-Earth...
Armies of The Hobbit is a gaming supplement for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game that provides profiles and rules for all your favourite heroes and villains from The Hobbit™. Muster grand armies from the movies using your collection of miniatures and recreate your favourite scenes on the tabletop.
Angels of Death - Datacards - Kill Team -...
Angels of Death kill teams emphasise speed and savagery – any patrols that dare stand in their way are swiftly pulverised by a hail of explosive bolt shells and bone-shattering blows.While squads are small, a handful of Space Marines in the right place at the right time can make history.
Ángeles de la Muerte – Tarjetas de datos -...
Los comandos de Ángeles de la Muerte se sirven de su velocidad y ferocidad para aniquilar cualquier patrulla que se interponga en su camino con una combinación de lluvias de proyectiles explosivos y golpes demoledores. Aunque sus escuadras son reducidas, un puñado de Marines Espaciales en el lugar y el momento adecuados bastan para cambiar el curso de la historia.
Abordadores de la Armada Imperial –...
Los Abordadores de la Armada Imperial son agresivas tropas de élite, instrumentos de fuerza versados en todo tipo de técnicas de combate cuerpo a cuerpo que brillan en los entornos cerrados de aeronaves y ciudades colmena.
Círculo de Hierotecnólogos - Tarjetas de...
Un Círculo de Hierotecnólogos lo conforman guerreros Necrones inmortales que se han congregado para perseguir los intereses atemporales de sus maestros Criptecnólogos. Hechos de metal viviente, se sirven de ciencias arcanas para cumplir sus misiones clandestinas.
Sucesores Recuperadores - Tarjetas de...
Los Sucesores Recuperadores son los prospectores de combate veteranos de las Ligas de los Votann. Su misión es explorar ubicaciones de riesgo, como pecios espaciales a la deriva o zonas de aniquilación radioactivas, en busca de riqueza y recursos.
Expoliagores Impíos – Tarjetas de datos -...
Los Expoliagores Impíos destacan entre el resto del rebaño de Hombres Bestia por sus mayor fuerza y resistencia y sus excelsas dotes de caza. El prestigio que han alcanzado entre los de su especie los lleva a creer que cuentan con el favor de los Dioses Oscuros, lo que no hace sino reforzar su ferviente adoración al Caos.
Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains - The...
The Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains soar high above the realms and kingdoms of Middle-earth, holding themselves apart from the world below. Yet in times of great need, the Eagles will still flock down to aid the free peoples, using their huge beaks and razor-sharp claws to carve through enemy armour and flesh.
Winged Nazgû - The Lord of The Rings (Inglés)
The Ringwraiths, or Nazgûl, were once the Kings of Men, the bearers of the magical rings created by Sauron. Their rings granted endless life but gradually enslaved the Kings to Saurons will. Together with their leader, the Witch-king of Angmar, they are known as the Nine and are the most deadly of Sauron's servants.
Escuadra de Exacción - Tarjetas de datos -...
Las Escuadras de Exacción, el brazo ejecutor de la Lex Imperialis o Ley imperial, están integradas por los Adeptus Arbites más talentosos, y su misión es dar caza a los criminales más abyectos y capturarlos con vida.
Este pack contiene todas las reglas que necesitarás para desplegar tu Escuadra de Exacción en partidas de Kill Team. En el interior encontrarás las reglas en un práctico formato de tarjetas de referencia, incluidas reglas de selección de comando, hojas de unidad de agentes, reglas de facción, ardides de tiroteo, reglas de equipo universal y de facción y tu guía de marcadores y fichas.
Fellgor Ravagers - Datacards - Kill Team -...
Fellgor Ravagers are a cut above their Beastmen herd-fellows, boasting superior hunting skills, greater strength and even more formidable endurance. Having won a level of prestige among their kind, they are convinced that the gods favour them, rendering them even more ardent worshippers of Chaos.
Hearthkyn Salvagers - Datacards - Kill...
Hearthkyn Salvagers are the experienced combat-surveyors of the Leagues of Votann. They are deployed to scout out hazardous locations, such as drifting space hulks or rad-blasted killzones, in search of wealth and resources.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Hearthkyn Salvagers in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Filos de Khaine – Tarjetas de datos - Kill...
Los Filos de Khaine son formaciones de combate de élite Aeldari creadas con un solo propósito: cortar una hebra del destino concreta para prevenir que algún terrible futuro que afectaría a sus mundos astronave o al conjunto de su especie llegue a ocurrir.
Vespid Stingwings - Datacards - Kill Team...
Vespid Stingwings thrum into battle on membranous wings, their airborne agility leaving the enemy nowhere to hide. Resilient enough to shrug off incoming fire, they unleash punishing salvoes from their advanced weaponry.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy your Vespid Stingwings in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Crusades Mid-Eastern Battles - Medieval...
Most of you have already discovered that GMT’s Commands & Colors is an expandable game system. Like its older sister, Commands & Colors Ancients and brother Commands & Colors Napoleonics, Commands & Colors Medieval is going to be much, much, much more than what was originally presented in GMT’s Medieval core game. As such, Crusades Mid-Eastern Battles I is just the first expansion for Commands & Colors Medieval.
Mano del Arconte – Kill Team - Tarjetas de...
Solo los Kabalistas Drukhari más astutos, crueles y ambiciosos llegan a formar parte de un comando Mano del Arconte. Estos incursores siniestros, expertos en asaltos homicidas tras las líneas enemigas, siembran terror y agonía a su paso
Death Korps Datacards - Kill Team -...
The Death Korps of Krieg are uncompromising warriors who disdain such ideas as retreat or surrender. They excel in long battles of attrition and trench warfare, and their siege regiments are renowned for their zeal. Individual squads are also deployed as kill teams deep behind enemy lines.
Hand of the Archon Datacards - Kill Team -...
A Hand of the Archon kill team is formed by the most cunning, cruel, and ambitious of Drukhari Kabalites. These sinister raiders sow terror and pain during their murderous assaults behind enemy lines.
This pack contains the rules you'll need to deploy the Hand of the Archon in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.
Leman Russ Battle Tank - WARHAMMER 40,0000...
The Leman Russ is the primary battle tank of the Imperial Guard, forming the spearhead of countless armoured columns. Those enemies that do not fall to the bombardment of their cannons and numerous hull-mounted guns are crushed mercilessly beneath their heavy treads. These reliable and formidable tanks can be found in nearly every Astra Militarum regiment in the galaxy, and have become synonymous with the Imperium's fury.