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Skaven - Spearhead - WARHAMMER Age of...
Warpspark Clawpacks are formed when the teeming multitudes of the Clans Verminus are wielded alongside the volatile war machines of the Clans Skryre. The Clanrats serve to die at a Grey Seer’s discretion and provide an opportunity for devastating Skryre technology to be brought to bear.
Tarjetas de Unidad: Skaven - Warhammer Age...
La amenaza de los Skavens consiste en formar una amalgama heterogénea con un amplio número de clanes que a menudo luchan juntos, pero que también mantienen su independencia. En las grandes batallas campales, encontrarás guerreros de todos los clanes, cada cual con sus propios hábitos guerreros.
Warscroll Cards: Skaven - Warhammer Age of...
The Skaven menace is a motley amalgamation of a wide variety of clans that often fight together, but also retain their independence. In a large pitched battle, you'll find warriors from every one, each with their own ways of war.
Stormvermin: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
Stormvermin are easily identifiable by their relative bulk and aura of malice. Hand-picked from the most promising spawn of the litter – usually due to devouring many of their brood-mates – they are subjected to especially brutal training regimes by their Clawlords. This results in soldiers who are able to fight with a degree of precision and focus uncommon to their kin.
Rat Ogors: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
Rat Ogors are rabid war-mutants created by grafting nimble Skaven to the muscled bulk of ogorkind through strange flesh-crafting, sorcery and infusing them with warpstone shards. These misbegotten warriors are then pumped full of all manner of toxic serums designed to magnify both their regenerative properties and their natural frenzy.
Vizzik Skour, Prophet of the Horned Rat:...
Vizzik Skour was created in the apocalyptic fires of the Vermindoom, and has the distinction of being the chief priest of the Horned Rat, Lord of the Gnaw, and master of the mind-shattering death frenzy. The force of this daemon's diabolical zeal is enough to crack the land and drive Skaven swarms into a frothing frenzy.
Thanquol on Boneripper: Skaven - WARHAMMER...
Thanquol is fuelled by an addiction to warpstone and delusional self-confidence, remarkable even for a Skaven. While most of his plans go awry, he has become a master at spinning disasters to his advantage – as well as obliterating the bodies and minds of naysayers with powerful spellcraft. Thanquol is accompanied at all times by a colossal Rat Ogor that he calls Boneripper.
Chaos Battletome: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age...
The diabolical Skaven go to war in vast swarms, accompanied by monstrous mutants, unstable superweapons, and unnatural beings bestowed by their loathsome god. The combined clans strike out in endless multitudes to annihilate their enemies.
Master Moulder: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
Master Moulders are experts in stitching muscle and flesh into new forms, and using warpstone to trigger mutations that twist mortal corpus beyond recognition. They take warped pride in the monsters they have brought into unholy life and consider the battlefield successes of these creatures to be their own.
Doom-Flayers: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
Doom-Flayers were originally designed as mining devices, but now they trundle behind massed formations of Clanrats and Stormvermin, their operators impatiently revving the warp-engine. Eventually their destructive urges overtake them and they gun the acceleration to churn a great furrow forward through the earth.
Warpspark Weapon Battery: Skaven -...
Warpspark Weapon Batteries are members of the Clans Skryre, who often go to war unnoticed among hordes of slavering Clanrats. When the time is right, they reveal themselves, unleashing their bizarre but mighty machines on an unsuspecting foe. Whether through a hail of bullets, gouts of eerie warpflame, or bolts of warp lightning, they reap a deadly harvest for the glory of the Horned Rat.
Warp-Grinder: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
A Warp-Grinder is an arcane reality-boring machine. Manoeuvred by straining thralls and operated by Warlocks who have taken their obsession with undermining their foes to terrifying extremes, these bulky constructs project powerful – if erratic – blasts of energy to open gnawholes, and tunnel into vulnerable regions of a battlefield to allow screeching warrior swarms to set upon enemies from quarters unforeseen.
Acolyte Globadiers: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age...
The Acolyte Globadiers of the Clans Skryre are a step above the thrall-rats that toil on the production lines or serve as fodder for weapons testing. They are tinkers, miners, and munitionists, who constantly scheme in hopes of attaining the status of Warlock – a fact which sees their masters hurl them into battle carrying fragile spheres of volatile toxic gas, the better to thin out any future rivals.
Arch-Warlock: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
An Arch-Warlock crouches at the head of every Skryre clan. They are masters of lethal science, and they have personally overseen the creation of all manner of temperamental, but utterly deadly, techno-arcane superweapons. An Arch-Warlock's mind is a thing of whirring brass gears, constantly churning out new schematics of death.
Krittok Foulblade: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age...
Krittok Foulblade is canny and cruel in equal measure, with a profound instinct for where his minions' deaths can best serve him. This same cold and calculating mindset is extended by the Clawlord to his dealings with his daemon-blade Doomfang, for the raging Verminlord trapped within its steel must be bargained with constantly if its powers are to bolster Krittok's own warrior abilities.
Warlock Galvaneer: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age...
Warlock Galvaneers are connoisseurs of electrically charged annihilation. These twitchy maniacs are obsessed with channelling the voltaic energies that course through the veins of the Dark Innovator. Wielding battery-powered warpvolt obliterators, they scamper into the fray, their weapons spitting crackling arcs of warp-corrupted lightning that scorch flesh and turn even heavily armoured foes into jerking, smoking corpses.
Brood Terror: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age of...
Brood Terrors are among the most hideous aberrations of the Clans Moulder. These twin-headed titans lurch between bouts of low cunning and bestial rage. Surrounded by clouds of mutagenic fog, they lumber forth with an ungainly but definite purpose. Hooked flails drag their prey closer, bathing them in warpflame or vivisecting them with swift knife arms.
Warplock Jezzails: Skaven - WARHAMMER Age...
Warplock Jezzail teams are masters of long-range warfare, a respected art amongst the Skaven. Skilled snipers amongst the Clans Skryre take up the Warplock Jezzails, from which they can spit death from a safe distance. Two Skaven are needed to carry a Jezzail – the second one makes themselves useful by clutching a large shield that props up the heavy rifle and provides a measure of defence against return fire.
Tomo de Batalla del Caos: Skaven -...
Los diabólicos Skaven van a la guerra en enormes turbas, acompañados de mutantes monstruosos, superarmas inestables y seres sobrenaturales otorgados por su repugnante dios. Los clanes unidos atacan en multitudes infinitas para aniquilar a sus enemigos.
Blood Knights: Soulblight Gravelords Open...
The kit is comprised of 67 plastic components, with which you can assemble 5 Blood Knights armed with either templar lances or blades, and with a choice of helmeted or unhelmeted heads. One can be assembled as a Kastellan unit leader equipped with a unique helmet, winged armour, and mace weapon arm, and one can be assembled as a Standard Bearer. These models are supplied with 5x Citadel 75mm Oval Bases.
Warcry: Filos Fluviales Yidrilanos -...
The Lumineth Realm-lords draw much of their power from the aelementiri spirits of Hysh, drawing on their power and teachings to excel in battle. The Ydrilan Riverblades are sworn to the waters, as fast and persistent as the driving current, their movements fluid and graceful.
Set Introductorio - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Te damos la bienvenida a la Era de Sigmar, una era de conflicto interminable en el que mortales, dioses y monstruos chocan en el campo de batalla. Es una era de heroísmo, sacrificio y guerra sin fin. Marcha hacia el combate y dirige a tus tropas en la batalla para defender la civilización o acabar con ella.
Introductory Set - Warhammer Age of Sigmar...
Welcome to the Age of Sigmar – an era of ceaseless conflict in which mortals, gods, and monsters clash upon the battlefield. It is an age of heroism, sacrifice, and unending war. Take to the field and lead your troops into battle – to defend civilisation or tear it down.
Set De Inicio Definitivo - Warhammer Age...
La Era de Sigmar es una era de guerra sin fin. Durante siglos, los formidables Forjados en la Tormenta han luchado contra las fuerzas del mal, pero ahora parece haber llegado la Hora de la Ruina con incontables hordas de escurridizos Skaven inundando los Reinos Mortales. Tan poderoso es su armamento arcano que el Dios Rey Sigmar ha enviado a sus guerreros más poderosos para frenar la marea.
Ultimate Starter Set - Warhammer Age of...
The Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty Stormcast Eternals have battled against the forces of evil. Yet now it seems the Hour of Ruin is nigh as the skittering, numberless hordes of the Skaven flood into the Mortal Realms. So potent is their arcane weaponry, that the God-king, Sigmar, has sent his most powerful champions to hold back the tide.
Iníciate en - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
En el interior de esta revista de 88 páginas encontrarás un montón de información sobre el universo fantástico de Warhammer Age of Sigmar, incluyendo los ocho reinos y los pueblos y criaturas que los habitan.
Getting Started With - Warhammer Age of...
Warhammer Age of Sigmar is an action-packed, strategic tabletop wargame. No matter which of the many unique factions of warriors, monsters, and strange creatures you choose to play, you'll have an opportunity to carve out your slice of the near-infinite Mortal Realms.
Aos Paints + Tools - Warhammer Age of...
Todo lo que necesitas para recortar, limpiar y pintar tus miniaturas.
Ideal para pintar y montar tu ejército Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Starter Set - Warhammer Age of Sigmar...
The Age of Sigmar is an era of unending war. For centuries, the mighty Stormcast Eternals have battled against the forces of evil. Yet now they face their darkest time as the foul mutant ratmen of the Skaven hordes threaten to overrun the Mortal Realms.
Set de Inicio - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
La Era de Sigmar es una era de guerra sin fin. Durante siglos, los formidables Forjados en la Tormenta han luchado contra las fuerzas del mal. Ahora se enfrentan a su momento más oscuro, con las malvadas hordas de los Skaven amenazando con destruir los Reinos Mortales.
Warcry: Pyregheists - WARHAMMER Age of...
Pyregheists are malevolent spectres, obsessed with committing their mortal prey to the flames. They embody Nagash’s monumental cruelty and spite, wrought from those who sought to safeguard mortal souls from the Great Necromancer's grip through sacred rituals of cremation. Pyregheists now patrol the balefire beacons that mark Nagash's domains, and go forth to punish and terrifying those who would defy the Lord of Undeath.
Warcry: Brezo y Hueso - WARHAMMER Age of...
Mientras cada vez más guerreros se sumergen en el Bosque Nudoso en busca de riquezas inimaginables, sus cuerpos y almas son desgastados por el voraz bosque de roblendredos depredadores, que despiertan cada vez más con cada nueva muerte. En esta tierra oscura, corruptos Sylvaneth con parásitos sobrenaturales se han juntado en el exilio y se enfrentan a nuevas formas bestiales de Osiarcas Cosechahuesos, creados por Nagash para recuperar el ancestral poder de la Ruina Voraz.
Warcry: Briar and Bone - WARHAMMER Age of...
As more and more warriors plunge into the Gnarlwood in search of riches unimaginable, their bodies and souls are worn down by the hungering forest of predatory gnarloaks, which grow more awakened with each fresh kill. In this dark land, corrupted Sylvaneth harboring eldritch parasites have banded together in exile, and clash with bestial new forms of Ossiarch Bonereapers, shaped by Nagash to recover the ancient power of the Ravening Ruin.
Set de Pintura Forjados en la Tormenta -...
Los Forjados en la Tormenta son guerreros cruzados bendecidos por los relámpagos. Elegidos durante su vida mortal por su heroísmo, ahora están condenados a luchar para siempre. Se enfrentan a los peores horrores presentes en los Reinos Mortales, canjeando su humanidad pieza a pieza para proteger a los seguidores de Sigmar.
AOS S/E + Paint Set - Warhammer Age of...
Set de pinturas, perfectas para crear tus miniaturas Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Grand Alliance Order Dice - WARHAMMER Age...
Serve the God-King Sigmar with this dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It contains the dice that you need to play the game and channel the celestial power of Azyr.
Grand Alliance Death Dice - WARHAMMER Age...
Dice with (the forces of) Death with this dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar! It contains the dice you need to play the game and channel the deathly energies of Shyish.
Grand Alliance Chaos Dice - WARHAMMER Age...
Beseech the favour of the Dark Gods with this dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It contains the dice that you need to play the game and channel the power of Chaos.
Grand Alliance Destruction Dice -...
Destroy all before you (figuratively, of course) with this dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It contains the dice you need to play the game and channel the bestial power of Destruction.