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    Blood Angels Army Set - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Set de Lanzamiento de los Blood Angels

    Los Blood Angels aterrizan en la 10ª Edición de Warhammer 40.000 con este set de ejército, que incluye 2 nuevas miniaturas (Astorath y Lemartes) y su escolta de 21-miniaturas de la Death Company.

  • Morvenn Vahl: Spear of Faith (Hardback) -...

    A Warhammer 40,000 Adepta Sororitas Novel

    Morvenn Vahl is the Abbess Sanctorum and a High Lord of Terra, a warrior born and a faithful daughter of the Emperor. Yet she is only mortal, performing no miracles, untouched by divinity, and though she was chosen not by the Master of Mankind but by his living thralls, the faith is hers to command and to protec

  • Acciones de Abordaje - WARHAMMER 40,000

    En los pasillos y las cámaras iluminadas con luz estroboscópica de las naves estelares se libran encarnizados abordajes. Las llamas de esta era de guerra arden tan ferozmente en las estrellas como en la superficie de cualquier planeta. Luchando por cada escotilla, intersección y consola de datos vitales, tus grupos de abordaje serán puestos a prueba por el enemigo y por los parámetros de la misión.

  • Boarding Actions - WARHAMMER 40,000 (Inglés)

    Ferocious boarding actions rage through the corridors and strobe-lit chambers of voidships. The fires of this age of war burn just as fiercely amidst the stars as they do on any planet's surface. Fighting for each hatchway, every corridor junction and vital data console, your boarding parties will be tested against the enemy, and their mission parameters.

  • Vindicare: Assassin - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    Uindicare Assassins are lethal sharpshooters who find the ideal firing position from which to pinpoint their quarry, while against more numerous foes, they swiftly rack up high body counts with shot after expert shot. Often, the muffled crack of an exitus rifle is the only sign of the presence of these lethal killers.

  • Culexus: Assassin - WARHAMMER 40,000 (Inglés)

    Culexus Assassins project an aura of unsettling fear, occluding themselves in enemy minds until they wish to be seen. Their primary targets are psykers, who are wracked with agony from the mere presence of these soulless assassins, and no witch survives for long after an arcane blast from an animus speculum.

  • Eversor: Assassin - WARHAMMER 40,000 (Inglés)

    Eversor Assassins are berserk killers fuelled by unstable chemical stimms. They are unleashed as hurricanes of bladed destruction, weapons of terror and annihilation, set loose to murder not only their intended target but anyone around them as well. Even in death, they still serve the Imperium, their body chemistry going critical with the explosive fury of a detonating plasma warhead.

  • Callidus: Assassin - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    Callidus Assassins use the shapeshifting drug polymorphine to get close to their target, sabotaging systems and seeding misinformation before closing on their victim with blasts of their mind‑destroying neural shredders, and vicious sweeps of their shimmering phase swords. Confusion flourishes in the wake of these terrifying killers, who use deception as a lethal weapon.

  • Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus - WARHAMMER...

    Kyria Draxus is an audacious Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos who specialises in the hunting and eradication of the Necron threat. Pragmatic to the point of immorality, she has long been considered a radical by her peers, though none could call even her most drastic actions rash. Her every deed and choice is weighed logically and carefully. Yet when she acts, the Lord Inquisitor is as relentless and unstoppable as the movement of continental plates.

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    Ordo Xenos: Imperial Agents Battleforce -...

    Imperial Agents and Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos concern themselves with the threat of the alien. Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus is among the most single-minded Ordo Xenos Inquisitors operating in the Era Indomitus. She is an extreme pragmatist, calmly accepting the label of Radical as the price for employing any and all methods to secure victory over her xenos foes.

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    Ordo Hereticus: Imperial Agents...

    The Ordo Hereticus are hunters of witches and purgators of all manner of heretical cults, and the Ordo's Inquisitors take to the battlefield with every weapon at their disposal. Often their number call upon the aid of the Adeptus Arbites, those grim enforcers of Imperial Law, and the Adepta Sororitas – the militant arm of the Imperial faith, whose piety, zeal and seemingly miraculous martial might are beyond question.

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    Ordo Malleus: Imperial Agents Battleforce...

    The Ordo Malleus focus on the threat posed by the infernal denizens of the warp. Whether it be hunting down the cults that worship the Dark Gods of Chaos, seizing daemonic grimoires and relics, or racing to combat full‑scale warp incursions into realspace, Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus devote their lives to seeing these vital duties done.

  • Inquisitor Greyfax - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax is a powerful psyker, and her abilities allow her to detect any lie. This talent allows her to hunt with impunity, knowing that those she condemns as heretics have already damned themselves with their tainted thoughts. Working as judge, jury, and executioner, she travels the galaxy, protecting the Imperium from the forces of Chaos, and is feared even by many within her own order.

  • Celestian Sacresant Aveline: Adepta...

    Celestian Sacresant Aveline quests the galaxy as a lone crusader, hunting down the Imperium's enemies. But when the trumpets of war sound, she returns to the Order of the Sacred Rose, fighting with sword and shield in the God-Emperor's name. Armed with the holy flame-wreathed blade of Saint Arabella, her wrath burns like a pyre, bringing hope to the faithful in this time of darkness.

  • Imperial Agents Dice Set - WARHAMMER 40.000

    The Imperial Agents emerge from the shadows to fight the enemies of Humanity. May this set of themed dice grant you the blessings of the Golden Throne.

  • Inquisitorial Agents: Imperial Agents -...

    Inquisitorial Agents comprise a motley collection of fighters, fanatics, savants, and psykers. Most Inquisitors maintain one or more of these retinues, gathering individuals of rare talent, skill, and dedication to undertake their esoteric and lethal missions.

  • Tarjetas de Datos: Agentes del Imperium -...

    Los Agentes del Imperium son una variopinta y ecléctica mezcla de especialistas, estrategas, asesinos, investigadores, agentes de la ley y otros combatientes que están siempre vigilantes para luchar contra los enemigos del Imperium.

  • Datasheet Cards: Imperial Agents -...

    Imperial Agents are a wide-ranging and eclectic mix of specialised warriors, strategists, assassins, investigators, law enforcement, and other potential combatants that remain constantly vigilant in order to fight the enemies of the Imperium.

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    Combat Patrol: Imperial Agents - WARHAMMER...

    Imperial Agents form the front lines of Humanity’s struggle for survival against corruption—be it far away at the fringes of the Imperium's clawing influence or right in the midst of its choked and desperate heart. Devout specialists, uncompromising operatives, and zealous practitioners of the Imperial creed must all come together in this endless war, one where faith and zealotry are weapons as potent as any blade or firearm.

  • Sacerdote del Ministorum - WARHAMMER...

    Los Sacerdotes del Ministorum aprovechan la fe de los guerreros imperiales en la batalla. Aunque a menudo se unen a las Guerras de Fe, no es inaudito que un Sacerdote del Ministorum lidere una. En la interminable guerra de la humanidad por su supervivencia, la fe y el fanatismo son armas tan potentes como cualquier espada o arma de fuego. Los Sacerdotes del Ministorum encarnan esta verdad, marchando a la batalla bramando cánticos marciales para inspirar a sus aliados y aterrorizar a sus enemigos.

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    Blood Angels Army Set - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    Deployed as shock troops, the Death Company are shepherded into battle by Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, and Astorath the Grim, whose task it is to ensure the battle-brothers of the Death Company are redeemed with a glorious death in battle. With Lemartes' litanies ringing in their ears, black-clad battle-brothers and towering Dreadnoughts hurl themselves upon the foe, butchering them with savage fury.

  • White Dwarf 503 - Warhammer 40,000 (Inglés)

    White Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more.

  • Navigator - WARHAMMER 40,000 (Inglés)

    Navigators are haughty nobles whose value to the Imperium is enormous, and as such, they rarely take to the battlefield – typically, it is only to complete some vital mission for their voidship’s master. At such times, their ability to perceive the shifting tides of the warp makes them powerful assets, as does the soul‑blasting gaze of their mutant third eye.

  • Watch Captain Artemis - WARHAMMER 40,000...

    Watch Captain Artemis leads a company of Deathwatch out of Talasa Prime. Renowned for his honed combat instincts, he fights from the fore wielding his thrumming power blade and the artificer combi‑weapon known as Hellfire Extremis, whose gouts of flame and hyper‑acidic bolt rounds are the bane of lightly armoured foes.

  • [Pre-Venta 24/8/2024] Codex: Imperial...

    Imperial Agents emerge from the shadows when heresy threatens to destabilise worlds, cultists seek to summon daemonic abominations, and xenos corruption endangers Humanity's realm. Some are Inquisitors of the Holy Ordos and their motley cadres, but this umbrella term also encompasses terrifying Assassins, swashbuckling Rogue Traders, fanatical priests of the Imperial faith, and other more specialised individuals. Some join more conventional Imperial armies to either further their own ends or lend their resources to an important battle. No matter the cause or nature, Imperial agents are amongst the most secretive and esoteric servants of the Golden Throne.

  • [Pre-Venta 24/8/2024] Codex: Imperial...

    Los Agentes del Imperium emergen de las sombras cuando la herejía amenaza con desestabilizar mundos, los cultistas intentan invocar abominaciones daemónicas y la corrupción xenos pone en peligro el reino de la humanidad. Algunos son Inquisidores de los Santos Ordos y sus variopintas delegaciones, pero este término también engloba a aterradores Asesinos, intrépidos Comerciantes Independientes, sacerdotes fanáticos de la fe imperial y otros individuos más especializados.

  • White Dwarf 502 - Warhammer 40,000 (Inglés)

    White Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more.

    Here’s what you can look forward to in July’s issue:

    Contact! – Letters, questions, and pictures of miniatures sent in by you, our readers.

    Worlds of Warhammer – Leila enters the Bleak Citadels, where Stormcast Eternals face their final Reforging. Dark stuff, indeed!

  • Reglamento 2014 - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Esta tríada de libros en tapas duras lujosamente presentados contienen la sensacional imaginería, miniaturas, historias y reglas de juego que constituyen los cimientos de Warhammer 40,000.

  • White Dwarf 501 - Warhammer 40,000 (Inglés)

    White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine! This issue is for June 2024, #501. Each copy of issue 501 also comes with a cardboard insert which includes 6x Kill Team Desert Warfare cards, 1x Paint Recipe card, 1x Bunker Achievement card, 6x Boarding Actions Echo Fissure Tiles, and 1x double-sided card including the scenario of the month for Warhammer 40,000, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

  • Pariah Nexus Mission Deck: Chapter...

    The Pariah Nexus is one of the most heavily contested war zones in the galaxy. Each faction vying for power in this blighted place has their own agenda – when two forces meet, anything can happen.

  • Codex: Genestealer Cults - WARHAMMER 40,000

    Los Cultos Genestealer son sectas fanáticas de híbridos alienígenas que infestan incontables mundos humanos. Acechan ocultos durante generaciones, escondidos y preparándose en las sombras hasta que llega su Día de la ascensión. Entonces, surgen como una ola de acólitos mutantes, soldadesca traidora y monstruosidades xenos para despedazar a quienes consideran sus enemigos.

  • Codex: Genestealer Cults - WARHAMMER...

    Genestealer Cults are fanatical sects of alien hybrids that infest Human worlds beyond count. They lurk unseen for generations, hiding and preparing in the dark until their Day of Ascension arrives. Then they rise in a tide of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiery, and predatory xenos monstrosities to tear down those they see as oppressors.

  • Tarjetas De Datos: Cultos Genestealer -...

    Los Cultos Genestealer consisten de acólitos mutantes, soldados traidores y depredadores alienígenas. Corrompidos por la mácula genética xenos, los cultos luchan con la coordinación de un enjambre de insectos y el fanatismo de los auténticos devotos.

  • Datasheet Cards: Genestealer Cults -...

    Genestealer Cults consist of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiers, and predatory alien monsters. Corrupted by xenos gene-taint, the cults fight with the coordination of swarming insects and the zealotry of true believers.

  • Biosanctic Broodsurge: Genestealer Cults -...

    Genestealer Cults erupt from the shadows in a tide of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiery and predatory xenos monsters. They employ ambush and subterfuge to outmanoeuvre their enemies, turning industrial mining equipment and repurposed civilian vehicles into potent weapons of rebellion against the hated Imperial oppressors.

  • Creed: Ashes of Cadia (Paperback) -...

    An Astra Militarum Novel

    Ursula Creed, Lord Castellan of the legendary Cadian armies, returns to the remains of their home world on a mission of the utmost importance.

  • The Rose in Darkness (Paperback) -...

    An Adepta Sororitas Novel

    Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose and her squad find themselves battling a Genestealer Cult with its claws under the planet’s skin – and racing to prevent the arrival of a Tyranid Hive Fleet.

  • Pariah Nexus Objective Set: Chapter...

    Victory in the Pariah Nexus lies with maintaining a focus on the mission goals, along with fighting a dedicated enemy with their own agenda. A savvy general can both lead their troops in combat and take and hold priority objectives.

  • Big Mek: Orks - WARHAMMER 40,000 (Inglés)

    Big Meks are the most ingenious inventors of Ork-kind, who build all sorts of powerful weapons and bizarre devices. They readily bring their favourite contraptions into battle to test them out, even donning self-made bionik exoskeletons to help them carry the biggest gadgets possible. So equipped, a Big Mek can unleash mechanical violence and blasts of energy, or wrenches open warp tunnels through which he and his followers pile into the fight.

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