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Información de la tienda
C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada, 4
41018 Sevilla
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[Pre-Venta 24/01/2025] Seti
Observa con atención una porción aleatoria de cielo y encontrarás un millón de galaxias, cada una con miles de millones de estrellas. Las estrellas pueden tener planetas; los planetas pueden tener vida; la vida puede volverse inteligente. Y eso significa que, dondequiera que apuntes tu telescopio, podrías estar mirando a alguien que te está mirando a ti.
[Pre-Venta 23/01/2025] Mesos
Hace miles de años, la era del Mesolítico comenzaba para el ser humano. Los caza-recolectores nómadas se organizaban en pequeños grupos, diferenciando los roles sociales, construyendo los primeros asentamientos y dando comienzo a una gran revolución.
[Pre-Venta 23/01/2025] Códex Leicester de...
Los jugadores se convierten en inventores que intentan dar vida a sus diseños, todos ellos inspirados en las notas del propio Maestro: el Códex Leicester de Leonardo da Vinci.
Ironhead Squat Prospectors Exo-kyn -...
Exo-kyn wear armour based on the ancient void suits used by the ancestors of the mining clans. They provide unmatched protection against environmental hazards – something Necromunda has in abundance. While equipped for deep core mining, they are equally adept at turning their drills, claws, and saws against any hostile wildlife or aggressive gangers they might encounter.
Tetrarchia Ed.3 (ES/ENG)
Hacia el final del siglo III antes de Cristo, el cónsul romano Marco Claudio Marcelo fue apodado "La Espada de Roma" por sus hazañas en las guerras contra los Galos y los Cartagineses.
[Pre-Venta 06/02/2025] Escuela de robots
Cada jugador asume el papel de un joven Inventor decidido a dejar su huella en el mundo de la robótica. Obtienes Reputación Ensamblando Robots y alcanzando buenas Calificaciones en la escuela. Con la ayuda de tus compañeros Robots, Diseñarás nuevos planos, Fabricarás piezas, Reciclarás recursos e incluso Mejorarás Robots.
En cada ronda, los jugadores eligen de forma simultánea 2 de las 5 fases para resolverlas con distintas cantidades de Energía, pero tus elecciones pueden afectar a otros jugadores. ¡Cada elección afectará a los demás inventores!
Lava House
¡Bienvenidos a la asombrosa casa en llamas! ¿Tienes lo necesario para sobrevivir? Cruza el peligroso mar de lava usando tu Equilibrio, Fuerza e Impulso. Salta de pasarela en pasarela y usa los cofres de poder a tu favor. ¡El primero en alcanzar la salida se proclama ganador!
Pack ( Juego Base + Pistas enamoradas) -...
¿Se te ocurre alguna pista que relacione «Oso» y «Médico»? ¿Tienes una? ¡Dísela en voz alta al resto de jugadores con la esperanza de que puedan adivinar qué dos palabras clave has relacionado para formar tu pista!
Halls of the Ancients - Necromunda (Inglés)
The Squat clans of Necromunda have mined, traded, and survived on this dangerous planet for 10,000 years. When they locate a dig site, these abhuman delvers settle in to extract all the wealth they can plunder. Gangs of Prospectors patrol tightly guarded excavations or scout for fresh finds in the ash wastes, armed with finely engineered weapons and powerful mining tools rigged to serve as improvised armaments.
Halls of the Ancients Gang - Tactics Cards...
The Squat clans of Necromunda travel the wastes in massive land trains to search for deposits of rare resources. When they locate such a dig site, these abhuman delvers settle in to extract all the wealth they can plunder. Gangs of Prospectors patrol tightly guarded excavations or scout for fresh finds in the ash wastes, armed with finely engineered weapons and powerful mining tools rigged to serve as improvised armaments.
Ironhead Squat Prospectors Weapons &...
The Squat clans of Necromunda travel the wastes in massive land trains to search for deposits of rare resources in the hope of extracting all the wealth they can plunder. Gangs of Ironhead Squat Prospectors are armed with finely engineered weapons and powerful mining tools rigged to serve as improvised armaments.
Ironhead Squat Svenotar Scout Trikes -...
The Svenotar scout trike is a fast reconnaissance vehicle. With its high speed and manoeuvrability, it can roam out ahead of the mining clan’s laagers and eliminate any lightly armoured enemies encountered with its deadly weaponry.
Black Swan 75 - The Naval Wonder Weapon...
Steven Cunliffe with XXI, a solitaire game set in 1943 that challenges the player (acting as both Speer and Dönitz) to organize and complete construction of a fleet (or at least “enough”) of the new German Type XXI submarine. However this new sub is far larger, more complex and more expensive, and requires much more manpower and scarce resources than previous submarines.
Dragon’s Teeth - Panzer Grenadier (Inglés)
On 11 September 1944, a patrol from the U.S. 5th Armored Division crossed the German border, beginning a campaign that would last three and a half months and cost over 140,000 casualties as the Americans tried to break through the Siegfried Line defenses, known to the Germans as the West Wall.
General of the Empire on Imperial Griffon...
Generals are tried and tested veterans with a fine understanding of the craft of soldiering, having spent most of their lives fighting. Some ride Griffons into battle – these wild creatures are raised in captivity and the strongest and cleverest are trained as mounts.
Battles for Hungary - Fire and Sword -...
Soviet armies began their offensive to isolate the Hungarian capital of Budapest in October 1944. The city would be surrounded in December. During that time, as German and Hungarian troops fought to keep the Soviets from completing the encirclement, fighting stubborn defensive actions backed by repeated counter-attacks.
Risk Fleet - A Great War at Sea Story...
Your college history books were wrong. There never was a “dreadnought race” between Britain and Germany before the First World War. There was a marketing campaign by the Vickers-Armstrong shipbuilding combine to create a threat that could only be answered by more spending on more dreadnoughts.
Dog Boats - Battle of the Narrow Seas...
Battle of the Narrow Seas is a solitaire, tactical-level, narrative-driven wargame. You, as Commander, will lead a squadron of 4 Royal Navy gunboats or torpedo boats on night missions against German Kriegsmarine forces in the English Channel during 1943-1944.