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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla
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Dwarf Miners - Warhammer The Old World...
Dwarf Miners often join their brethren when they march to war. As a point of pride, they wield the same heavy, two-handed mining picks and mattocks they use to carve out tunnels, rather than the axes and hammers typically favoured by other Dwarfs. They are accompanied into battle by sturdy wooden carts drawn by rugged draft ponies to ensure they are properly equipped to face the trials that await them.
Dwarf Gyrocopters - Warhammer The Old...
Gyrocopters are flying machines whose rotor blades are propelled by an ingenious lightweight steam engine. Having proven their effectiveness across many battlefields of the Old World, even smaller dwarf strongholds have an airborne fleet. When more firepower is required, Gyrobombers, armed with multiple rows of devastating bombs and potent nose-mounted guns, stream over the Dwarf battle lines, seeking to obliterate their foes.
Dwarf Cannon & Organ Gun - Warhammer The...
Dwarf Cannons are one of their most potent war machines, able to shatter the most heavily armoured foe, pour shots into massed enemy formations, level cities or fortifications and topple the largest of monsters. Taking this even further, the Dwarf Engineers Guild invented the Organ Gun – with all its barrels firing to maximum effect, these machines can blow away entire enemy formations at a time.
Dwarf Slayer or Legend: Dwarven Mountain...
Dwarfs who suffer terrible failures are forced by their pride to join the Slayer Cult, undertaking self-imposed exile to seek a glorious death at the hands of a worthy foe – axe in hand. The Slayers of Legend represent the fierce and formidable Daemon Slayers and Dragon Slayers, fighters who are too skilled to die and seek out the mightiest foes to meet their doom.
Dwarf King with Oathstone - Warhammer The...
Dwarf Kings are warriors with vast experience in battle who have been tutored in the art of war by the elders of their clans. When battle is joined, they seek out the enemy’s most powerful combatants, matching bestial fury or dark magic with courage, honour and honest steel. By standing atop a dressed stone inscribed with powerful runes and ancestral oaths of vengeance, a Lord increases the resolve of their followers and ensures that no foe can escape their wrath.
Dwarfen Mountain Holds Battalion -...
Mighty armies mustered from the Dwarfen Mountain Holds can both blast the foe at range, and crush them up close. They march under the powerful thrum of Gyrocopter blades, to the beat of percussive explosions.
Dwarf Runesmith - Warhammer The Old World...
Dwarf Runesmiths work literal magic with their hammercraft, binding the Winds of Magic into mighty runes of power and earthing enemy spells before they can harm their Dwarfen kin. When these individuals feel the rage of battle, their weapons, and those of their kin, begin to glow and radiate heat as if remembering the forgefires from which they were created.
Dwarf Warriors - Warhammer The Old World...
Dwarf Warriors are formidable fighters – strong and extremely resilient, broad of shoulder, with powerful arms and a low centre of gravity. When they charge into battle, the momentum generated by their broad, armour-clad bodies is remarkable, hitting the foe with a resounding impact, splintering the enemy’s shields and carving through their formations.
Dwarf Ironbreakers - Warhammer The Old...
Ironbreakers guard the deepest Dwarfen tunnels from those who would otherwise invade their holds and domains. They wear fine suits of gromril plate engraved with runes of protection against the dangers of these deep, dark spaces and of war. Irondrakes fight alongside Ironbreakers and are armed with short-range but potent drakeguns that fire searing blasts of alchemical fury.
Dwarf Hammerers - Warhammer The Old World...
The most skilled warriors in a Dwarf hold are its Hammerers – individuals who have proven themselves in many battles, showing great strength, martial prowess, and also steadfast loyalty. Meanwhile, Dwarf Longbeards are the oldest, most experienced Dwarf warriors, a fact evidenced by the length of their beards. They receive due respect from younger Dwarfs, who have been taught to respect their elders.
Dwarf Lords with Shieldbearers - Warhammer...
Dwarf Lords are warriors with vast experience of battle who have been tutored in the art of war by the elders of their clans. When the time comes for them to lead, they will have learnt more than most commanders ever know and will have been tried and tested on the battlefield many times. Some lords are carried into battle by Shieldbearers – stout warriors who heft a shield to serve their liege as a fighting platform.
Dwarf Quarrelers - Warhammer The Old World...
Since the Dwarfs first came to the Worlds Edge Mountains, the crossbow has been their ranged weapon of choice, although, in recent times, devotees of the handgun have grown in number. Dwarf Quarrellers wield long-range crossbows, whereas Dwarf Thunderers fire shorter-range handguns, each obsessively tinkering with their weapon of choice to prove their designs to be the best.
Lord on Royal Pegasus: Kingdom of...
Los señores de Bretonia son guerreros de renombre, duques, barones y paladines que cargan a la batalla para defender sus dominios, pero solo los más pudientes e influyentes pueden hacerlo montados sobre un Royal Pegasus.
Men-At-Arms: Kingdom of Bretonnia -...
Los Men-at-Arms son regimientos de bretonianos de baja cuna, reclutados de niño por la guardia de la casa de sus señores nobles. Son humildes, pero no deben ser subestimados; cuando estos sencillos guerreros a pie marchan hacia la batalla, proporcionan un apoyo de infantería vital para caballeros y nobles
Peasant Bowmen: Kingdom of Bretonnia -...
Los Peasant Bowmen son reclutados de los siervos de baja cuna de los ducados de Bretonia. Empuñando sus arcos largos, su objetivo son los enemigos que no merecen la atención de un caballero.
Orc Boyz & Orc Arrer Boyz Mobs: Orc &...
Los Orc Boyz y los Orc Arrer Boyz se unen en anárquicos regimientos que se lanzan contra el enemigo con gran entusiasmo. Estas bandas luchan con una amplia variedad de armas, desde primitivas armas de mano a arcos sorprendentemente eficaces.
Orc Boar Boyz Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Algunos Orcos han adoptado como montura jabalíes malhumorados. Una vez cogen velocidad, los jabalíes son casi imparables, propulsados hacia el enemigo por sus poderosas patas, momento en el que sus afilados colmillos y duras pezuñas provocan un daño inimaginable.
Orc Boar Chariots: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Juntando tablas de madera bruscamente tallada y atornillando ruedas (más o menos) redondas a un robusto eje, los Orcos construyen carros formidables tirados por una pareja de jabalíes.
Goblin Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Si bien por separado los Goblins son criaturas cobardes, estos diminutos incursores crecen en confianza cuando van en grupo. Cuando se juntan en grandes hordas, se motivan hasta un punto aterrador; cada goblin cree que le harán daño no a él sino al de al lado, y cuando ocurre les parece hilarante.
Goblin Wolf Rider Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes...
Muchas tribus de Goblins son nómadas por naturaleza, atravesando las tierras salvajes en enormes caravanas destartaladas. Estos Goblins nómadas crian lobos gigantes para usarlos como monturas rápidas y ágiles que pueden recorrer grandes distancias con gran facilidad.
Night Goblin Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Muchas tribus de Goblins son nómadas por naturaleza, atravesando las tierras salvajes en enormes caravanas destartaladas. Estos Goblins nómadas crian lobos gigantes para usarlos como monturas rápidas y ágiles que pueden recorrer grandes distancias con gran facilidad.
Goblin Shaman: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
La magia empleada por los Goblin Shamans no es menos destructiva que la de sus iguales orcos, pero mientras que los Orc Shamans danzan y dan vueltas por el campo de batalla, los Oddnobs y Oddgits de los goblins merodean cerca de sus camaradas, lanzando hechizos y maldiciones alejados de la mirada del enemigo.
Black Orc Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Los Black Orcs son los Orcos más grandes, fuertes y malos que hay. Poco numerosos en comparación con sus parientes más debiluchos, los Black Orcs tienden a juntarse en disciplinadas unidades de élite que solo marchan a la guerra con los Warbosses más poderosos.
Orc Bosses: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Los Orc Bosses son los más grandes y fornidos de su especie, y dirigen sus tribus a la batalla, habiendo aplastado a sus rivales para lograr una posición de poder.
Orc Boyz Mob: Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Los Orc Boyz forman regimientos anárquicos que se lanzan con entusiasmo contra el enemigo. Estas hordas luchan con primitivas armas de mano y pesados escudos, abriéndose paso a golpes entre sus contrincantes.
Juego de Dados de Orc & Goblin Tribes -...
Un ataque de los Orc & Goblin Tribes es como una maníaca marea de entusiasmo destructivo. Prestando poca atención a su propia seguridad, se lanzan a la refriega empleando tácticas poco sutiles pero efectivas para aplastar a sus enemigos.
Knights Of The Realm On Foot: Kingdom of...
Knights on Foot consist of minor nobles belonging to the extended family of a baron or duke. These warriors proudly display the colours and motifs of their lord’s heraldry, often further embellished with personal devices, identifying them as belonging to a single, extended family whilst declaring their individualism and their own stature as nobles.
Pegasus Knights: Kingdom of Bretonnia -...
Pegasus Knights are made up almost exclusively of Knights of the Realm, but only the wealthiest and most influential knights can boast of owning a battle-trained pegasus, for the creatures are difficult to capture and harder still to train. Accordingly, to own such a beast is the ultimate symbol of wealth and success for their owners, but in truth, a pegasus is also a great practical boon for any knight fortunate enough to acquire one.
Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia -...
Bretonnia is one of the great realms of the Old World, and its vast armies counted amongst the most powerful of all the nations of mankind.
Battle Standard Bearer on Royal Pegasus:...
Afully armoured Paladin mounted on a Royal Pegasus is a majestic sight indeed, and often, the honour of carrying the army's banner falls to one of these knights. Resplendent as they lead the charge, they hold aloft their standard, snapping crisply in the rush of air.
Fantasy Battles in the World of Legend:...
Across the Old World, mighty kings and powerful warlords raise glorious armies and grim hordes without number.