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Tournament Battle PacK: Battle Pack 7-...
Combat Commander: Tournament Battle Pack – Leader of Men is the seventh themed collection of scenarios for use with the Combat Commander series of games. The growing and continued popularity of the Combat Commander Series has increasingly found its inclusion in game conventions around the globe. In many instances these conventions pit the players in a tournament setting. Invariably the question arises of how to implement and run such a tournament. In an effort to formalize these endeavors the CC: Tournament Battle Pack was created to provide a core set of tested scenarios and rules for use in the running of a Combat Commander Tournament.
Hood Strikes North (Inglés)
Hood Strikes North is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts the desperate offensive undertaken by General John Bell Hood’s Army of Tennessee in November 1864 through central Tennessee in an effort to capture Union-held.
The Barracks Emperors (Inglés)
The Barracks Emperors is a strategy card game set against the backdrop of the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, during which at least 45 different men made a claim to the throne of the Roman Empire. In this game, 1-4 players represent prominent political factions attempting to gain control over the men who would be Emperors of Rome. Players deploy the influence available to them (represented by the cards in their hands) to claim imperial reigns (represented by the historical Emperor cards arrayed on the board.) But they must be very careful, because politics is a complex game, and sometimes attempting to exert your influence necessitates aiding someone else in their own plots. Play your cards cleverly to capture Emperors and score the most points to win.
CDG Solo System Pack 2 (Inglés)
“Is there a more meaningful, entertaining and mentally healthy way of playing these games solo than the “dunce cap tango”? Is there a way to play CDGs in solitaire mode where the player will experience the story developing as they play along, while occasionally being surprised by unexpected events and forced to react to developing and changing situations, all while being unaware of all of the other side’s cards whenever playing one side? This is what the CDG Solo Method is all about.” - Stuka Joe, The Madness Behind a CDG Solo Method, Inside GMT, 2016
1812 - Napoleon's Fateful March (Inglés)
Traces of Hubris is a two-player game that simulates the German Case Blue (Fall Blau) summer offensive in southern Russia during the second half of 1942. The goal was to “cut off” the Volga at Stalingrad and to capture the Caucasus oil fields.
85 Graveyard of Empires + Terrain Overlay...
85 Graveyard of Empires is the second game in the Squad Battles series. Building on the mechanics introduced in ’65 Squad Battles in the Jungles of Vietnam, Graveyard of Empires (GOE) features squad-level battles between the Afghan Mujahideen and Soviet Red Army in a card-driven, hex and counter game.
Grants Vicksburg Campaign - GCACW Thunder...
Thunder On the Mississippi is the latest design in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series. It depicts Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s 1863 campaign to capture Vicksburg. The game is designed by Joe Balkoski (the original GCACW series creator) and Chris Withers. The game map will adhere to the accuracy and high graphic standards of its predecessors, with map design executed by artist Charlie Kibler—whose work on the series dates to its creation in 1992.
For The Empire Expansion - Volume 4 - Old...
For the Empire is an expansion for Old School Tactical Vol IV The Italian Theater 1943-45. You must own Old School Tactical Vol IV to play For the Empire.
Italian Theater 1943-45 - Volume 4 - Old...
Old School Tactical Volume IV brings the exciting OST system to this challenging theater of WW2. It brings British forces into the game to battle German and Italian units in difficult terrain. Vickers machine guns, Commandos, Bren guns, PIATs and sticky bombs will see action in the game on the side of the British. They also have an allotment of vehicles including Sherman and Churchill tanks.
Divine Right (Inglés)
Divine Right is a classic fantasy board war game originally published in 1979 by the Game Wizards at TSR. Divine Right is a game with 45 years of history, lore, optional rules, books written by the designer Glenn Rahman (available on Amazon) and more built into it. Playable by 2 to 6 players in 2 – 6 hours.
Gettysburg A time for Heroes (Inglés)
Based on the Charles S. Roberts award winning Chancellorsville 1863 game by Maurice Suckling. Battle of Gettysburg is a card driven game. The game uses wooden pieces to represent Union Corps and Confederate Divisions. The game will use a cohesion system to track strength, fatigue and morale during the battle. The map uses point to point movement on key areas of the battlefield.
Red Dust Rebellion (Inglés)
“200 years of Earth rule. 200 years of being told what to do by people on some distant blue orb in the sky. A pampered planet populated by soft people. Earth politicians playing golf on a sunny day while sipping French champagne and eating grapes dare to tell us how to live? They don’t know us because they are not us! We are the sons and daughters of Mars! The children of the red planet! We were born in the red dust, and we say no more to Earther rule!” -Aroha Thompson, Red Dust spokesperson and Mining Union organizer.
La Carga de los 3 Reyes: Las Navas de...
Este juego recrea la batalla que fue, perdonen el atrevimiento, con seguridad la más importante de la Reconquista, y que tuvo un carácter de cruzada impulsado por el arzobispo de Toledo, Jiménez de Rada, y a la que acudieron cristianos no solo de la totalidad de los reinos peninsulares, sino que también acudieron a esta llamada aguerridos soldados de distintos lugares de Europa.
[Pre-Venta 25/04/2025] Sniper Elite:...
Sniper Elite: Upgrade Kit 1 te ofrece todo lo que necesitas para disfrutar al máximo de la experiencia Sniper Elite. Miniaturas de especialista únicas Ten a cada especialista representado en el campo de batalla, con miniaturas personalizadas que coinciden con las ilustraciones de las cartas de cada oficial. Esto incluye dos miniaturas para los sabuesos del Kennel Master. Fichas especiales de tiro personalizadas y bolsa bordada
7 Wonders Edifices
Con esta expansión de 7 Wonders construirás edificios colectivos con los que obtendrás beneficios. Participar no es obligatorio, pero, si uno de los proyectos no prospera, sufrirás las consecuencias.
The hypothetical invasion of Malta 1942 -...
Producto en Italiano
Operazione C3 is a simulation game that aims to reconstruct the planned, but never realized, invasion of the island of Malta by the Axis forces in the summer of 1942.
The game is played in turns, each representing one day of real time. The map scale is 1.5 km per hex, and the units represent represent battalions and companies that would have taken part in the campaign.
Heart of Darkness (Inglés)
This is a game of adventure and exploration where you, together with up to four other players, venture into deepest Africa. The time period is mid-19th century and you start your expedition at one of the six Ports of Entry.
The relief of Tango 2 - Operation...
Operation Bøllebank is a solitaire game that depicts the events of the night between 29th and 30th April 1994, when a UN armored task force of tanks and APC’s from DANSQN2 engaged Bosnian-Serb forces around the town of Kalesija, near the border between Bosnia and Serbia.
Hispania - La Conquista Romana (ES/EN)
A principios del siglo II a.C. la República de Roma acaba de derrotar a su mayor pesadilla, el cartaginés Aníbal. Tras anexionar las posesiones cartaginesas en la costa mediterránea de Hispania, las organiza en las provincias Ulterior y Citerior y ordena a sus pretores que completen la conquista de la península, habitada por pueblos sin cohesión. Pero estos hispanos resultan ser un enemigo temible...
Italian Campaign Campaigns in Europe III -...
Campaigns in Europe (CIE) is a two-player series of games focused on campaign scenarios at the division/corps level. The system uses the same maps as War in Europe (WIE), with updated graphics and a more detailed terrain analysis. The counters have been upgraded and are presented with historical identifications. The game system utilizes a Move/Fight, Fight/Move sequence of play to portray simply doctrinal differences among contending armed forces. It also utilizes headquarters units to project logistics and combat support capabilities.
The First Indochina War - Strategy &...
From 1946 to 1954 the French Union was locked in mortal combat with the forces of the Viet Minh. The prize was control of the French colony of Indochina (to include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos). The final Viet Minh victory has profound implications for the wider Cold War.
Caporetto 1917 (Inglés)
For sure the most famous battle on the Italian Front during the Great War, and a pivotal event of the war on this front. "Caporetto 1917" is a confrontation between two different ways to make war: infiltration tactics against static defense.
La campagne de l'Armée du Nord 1870-1871 -...
This is an operational game, with combat forces (army, corps, divisions, brigades, columns or decoys) making point-to-point movements on a map representing the northern part of France, from Rouen to Lille and Amiens. Infantry, cavalry, artillery and siege artillery units are hidden and placed on tables for each combat force identified on the map.
Annual 2022 : Stalingrad - Verdun on the...
A regimental-scale game of the two-month struggle for control of the 30-kilometer long industrial town that sat on the west bank of the Volga River. Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga is divided into several two-player scenarios (based on the historical German offensives in September and October). The game enables you to re-fight one of the most important battles of World War II in a single evening (a victory point check at the mid-way point that can keep games under three hours) using Rinella's favorite area impulse game system.
Mirages (Inglés)
Step into the harsh, unforgiving deserts of North Africa during World War II with Mirages, a deeply immersive, operational-level war game that recreates the pivotal battles from December 1940 to June 1941. It covers operations Compass, Brevity, Battleaxe and Skorpion.
Big Red One - Panzer Grenadier (Inglés)
In two World Wars, the United States Army’s First Infantry Division - the “Big Red One” - led American forces into combat. The division was in the first wave of landings in North Africa in November 1942, and fought the Axis in Tunisia from January to May 1943. The division’s reputation brought it into the thick of the fighting in North Africa, as it would for the remainder of the war in Europe.
Tetrarchia Ed.3 (ES/ENG)
Hacia el final del siglo III antes de Cristo, el cónsul romano Marco Claudio Marcelo fue apodado "La Espada de Roma" por sus hazañas en las guerras contra los Galos y los Cartagineses.
Black Swan 75 - The Naval Wonder Weapon...
Steven Cunliffe with XXI, a solitaire game set in 1943 that challenges the player (acting as both Speer and Dönitz) to organize and complete construction of a fleet (or at least “enough”) of the new German Type XXI submarine. However this new sub is far larger, more complex and more expensive, and requires much more manpower and scarce resources than previous submarines.
Dragon’s Teeth - Panzer Grenadier (Inglés)
On 11 September 1944, a patrol from the U.S. 5th Armored Division crossed the German border, beginning a campaign that would last three and a half months and cost over 140,000 casualties as the Americans tried to break through the Siegfried Line defenses, known to the Germans as the West Wall.
Battles for Hungary - Fire and Sword -...
Soviet armies began their offensive to isolate the Hungarian capital of Budapest in October 1944. The city would be surrounded in December. During that time, as German and Hungarian troops fought to keep the Soviets from completing the encirclement, fighting stubborn defensive actions backed by repeated counter-attacks.
Risk Fleet - A Great War at Sea Story...
Your college history books were wrong. There never was a “dreadnought race” between Britain and Germany before the First World War. There was a marketing campaign by the Vickers-Armstrong shipbuilding combine to create a threat that could only be answered by more spending on more dreadnoughts.
Dog Boats - Battle of the Narrow Seas...
Battle of the Narrow Seas is a solitaire, tactical-level, narrative-driven wargame. You, as Commander, will lead a squadron of 4 Royal Navy gunboats or torpedo boats on night missions against German Kriegsmarine forces in the English Channel during 1943-1944.
Wolfpack (Inglés)
Wolfpack is a tactical, historical game depicting the struggles between the German submarine Wolfpacks and the allied merchant convoys of WWII. Wolfpack is set in the vast North Atlantic from late 1941 to early 1943.
North Africa - Axis & Allies (Inglés)
The fighting in North Africa was unlike any other in World War II. Now you will command the forces of either the Axis (Germany and Italy) or the Allies (the United Kingdom and, eventually, the United States) in a campaign that may again capture the imagination of the entire world. Intercept enemy convoys headed to the ports of North Africa… while protecting your own. Prove your logistical prowess by keeping your forces supplied. But most of all, show your ingenuity as a general and you may change the course of history and ultimately gain the respect of your opponents.
IPC Chips - Axis & Allies (Inglés)
Manage your Industrial Production Certificates (IPCs) in style with these deluxe IPC Chips. Track and spend IPCs with these weighted chips in three denominations – 1, 5, and 10. Includes plastic tray for easy in-game use or storage.
Skyreach Bowmen - Canción de Hielo y Fuego...
Arqueros de Dominio del cielo
Canción de hielo y fuego: el juego de miniaturas pone a los jugadores al frente de los enormes ejércitos de Poniente para que intenten salir vencedores en la Guerra de los Cinco Reyes.
The Republic´s Struggle - Lucha por la...
Republic Struggle toma inspiración de las mecánicas de Twilight Struggle, pero lejos de ser una simple copia, representa una evolución mejorada con identidad propia.
Su diseño introduce nuevas opciones y elementos, cuidadosamente adaptados al evento histórico que recrea.
La Hermandad sin estandartes Caja de...
La Hermandad sin Estandartes defiende al pueblo llano de Poniente y se compone de forajidos que han quedado bastante hartos de juego de tronos en que están metidas las Grandes Casas y de que esos «poderosos nobles» vayan a la guerra y acaben haciendo trizas al vulgo. En estas circunstancias surgió la Hermandad, cuyos miembros están dispuestos a usar sus letales talentos al servicio de lord Beric Dondarrion, el señor del relámpago. Gracias a otros líderes como Thoros de Myr, Tom Sietecuerdas, Ravella Smallwood, Lim Capa de Limón y el Fantasma de Alto Corazón, la Hermandad es una fuerza de combate que ni siquiera las Grandes Casas pueden menospreciar.
Héroes de la Hermandad sin Estandartes 1 -...
Héroes de la Hermandad sin estandartes
Canción de hielo y fuego: el juego de miniaturas pone a los jugadores al frente de los enormes ejércitos de Poniente para que intenten salir vencedores en la Guerra de los Cinco Reyes.