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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla

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  • Mecánica: Comercio
  • Mecánica: Lanzamiento de dados
  • Categoría: 2ª guerra mundial
  • Categoría: Basado en comic/libros
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    The Last Hundred Yards Volume 4: The...

    The Last Hundred Yards Vol. IV: The Russian Front is the fourth game in The Last Hundred Yards series. It covers major campaigns and missions from the second half of the war in the east, introducing the Russian army to the series for the first time. A series of missions simulates actions from the October 1943 fighting in the Ukraine near Krivoi Rog, while others feature fights during the Russian 1944 summer offensive, Operation Bagration. All major Russian armor from late 1942 onward is covered, plus some additional late war German armored vehicles.

  • Electro & Sandman & Shocker & Vulture -...

    «Una siniestra selección»

    Spider-Man se ha topado con muchos villanos, pero pocos son tan siniestros como el atajo de granujas incluido en este paquete. 

  • Gwenom & Scarlet Spider - Marvel Crisis...

    «Un mayor poder, una mayor responsabilidad».

    En la Tierra-65, Gwen Stacey encarna a la heroína enmascarada conocida como «Spider-Woman».

  • Ambon: Burning Sun & Little Seagulls (Inglés)

    "Ambon: Burning Sun & Little Seagulls" is a two player wargame simulating the battle of Ambon, that took place between 30th January and 3rd February 1942 in the island of Ambon, in the Moluccas. A Japanese force composed of the 228th Regiment of the 38th Division of the IJA and the 1st Kure Special Naval Landing Force occupied the island against a force composed of the Dutch Molukken Brigade and the Australian "Gull Force".

  • Assault on Narvik (Inglés)

    Assault on Narvik simulates the Allied siege of Narvik, in northern Norway. The game begins around April 15th, 1940, after the destruction of the German destroyer flotilla by the Royal Navy and the arrival of Allied ground forces.

  • Codeword: Barbarossa, Preparing for The...

    Against the Odds broke new ground with the 2010 Annual. Four Roads to Moscow included four different, complete games from four top designers, each one taking their own approach to cover Barbarossa. There have been “quad games” before, but never like this.

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    Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 (Inglés)

    Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 puts the player in charge of the attacking and far more mobile American side while the game system handles the defending and largely static Japanese side. No two games will ever be the same.

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    Battle for Stalingrad (Inglés)

    Battle for Stalingrad is a battalion/company level simulation for two Players of the critical World War II battle for the renowned Russian City on the Volga River. The conflict raged for seven weeks in late 1942. Elements of fourteen German divisions of the Sixth Army and Fourth Panzer Army engaged dozens of divisions and brigades of the Soviet 62nd Army in one of the bloodiest campaigns of the war. Battle for Stalingrad uses a game-system of German action and Soviet reaction, highlighting the differences in command and tactics employed by the Germans and Soviets at the time. 

  • Panzer Grenadier: New Zealand Division...

    Between March 1941 and November 1942, the 2nd New Zealand Division fought in all the major battles in the Western Desert, Crete and Greece. After the victory at Alamein, the Kiwis helped lead the Allied pursuit of Erwin Rommel’s fleeing Axis army across Libya and into Tunisia.

  • Panzer Grenadier: Puppet Brigade (Inglés)

    In March 1939, the small, newly-created nation of Slovakia declared its independence from Czechoslovakia and immediately became a satellite of Nazi Germany. Slovak troops invaded Ukraine in 1941 and fought alongside the Germans for five years as the most minor of allies. The puppet government began mobilizing reservists just four days before the German invasion, and sent its troops over the border six days later. Those soldiers proved far less enthusiastic about the adventure than their proto-fascist leadership. Slovak formations performed poorly for the most part, with just one notable success.

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    Europe in Turmoil Ii: The Interbellum...

    Europe in Turmoil II: The Interrbellum Years, 1920-1939 is a two-player card-driven game simulating the political events in Europe between the First and Second World Wars.

  • Cabal Affiliation Pack - Marvel Crisis...

    «El miedo es lo que realmente motiva a la gente»

    Cuando se hacen con un poder inimaginable, algunos lo usan para proteger sus hogares, otros para cometer pequeños delitos y otros para centrar su atención en el gran premio: la conquista del mundo.

  • Avengers Affiliation Pack - Marvel Crisis...

    «¡Vengadores, reuníos!»

    Los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra cuentan entre sus filas con toda clase de gente: desde personalidades de la mayor eminencia hasta personas corrientes de la calle. Sin embargo, lo que los une a todos es ese profundo sentido del compañerismo que mantiene al grupo unido cueste lo que cueste.

  • Spider-Foes Affiliation Pack - Marvel...

    «¡Traedme a Spider-Man!»

    Los héroes enmascarados se labran muchos enemigos: ya sean tanto oponentes frustrados como rivales en potencia, cada derrota sufrida por ellos a manos de los Guerreros Araña alienta su deseo de venganza. 

  • Wave 7 The Great Rebellion - Masters of...

    ¡Eteria necesita ayuda! Lo que, en la superficie, parece un mundo impresionante, es en realidad una distopía. Está dominado por el puño de hierro de la Horda del Mal, que tomó el control de ese planeta hace mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, la esperanza parpadea en el horizonte. La Gran Rebelión resiste el gobierno del opresor e intenta cada día poner fin a su tiranía. No hay tiempo que perder: ¡She-Ra y sus amigos necesitan tu ayuda!

  • Fields of Eternia Llegan los Dragones -...

    Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia - Llegan los Dragones es una expansión para el juego de mesa Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia que proporciona nuevos escenarios para jugar, jefes desafiantes para luchar y enriquece la exploración en todo el mapa.

  • Fields of Eternia Enter the Dragons! -...

    In the land of Eternia, the forces of good, led by the Masters of the Universe and aided by the noble dragons of Darksmoke, must face off against the Forces of Evil and their "new weapon", the human-dragon hybrid known as Draego-Man. As tensions rise and the two sides prepare for battle, it's up to players to decide who will emerge victorious. Will the combined strength of the forces of good triumph, or will Draego-Man's power prove too great to overcome? Play the "Enter the Dragons!" expansion to find out!

  • Terrible Swift Swordfish (Inglés)

    An LPS bonus mini-game, Terrible Swift Swordfish is a solitaire simulation of the Royal Navy's bold and devastating attack on the ships of the Regia Marina in the port of Taranto during the night of November 11-12, 1940.

  • Deluxe DC Universe Rulebook (Inglés)

    In blackest day and darkest night, when all odds are stacked against them by super villains, interstellar invaders, crazed despots and maniacal anarchists, the world’s finest heroes assemble to face the threat. Now, with the DC Universe Miniature Game, the stories of these epic battles between superhumans, gods and monsters is at your fingertips…

  • Sealion Deluxe Edition (Inglés)

    Operation Sealion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) was Nazi Germany’s code name for the plan for an invasion of England during the Battle of Britain. Historically, the Royal Air Force successfully defended England and precluded the invasion, but it was a close call. Events and military choices might have driven the RAF from southern English skies and permitted the invasion to be carried out. Sealion is a two-player wargame simulating a hypothetical German invasion of England in September of 1940. The British have lost the aerial Battle over Britain. However, the RAF has not been completely vanquished, and the Royal Navy’s Home Fleet can still present a credible threat to the German landings and supply lines in the English Channel.

  • Replacement Countersheet 2023

    We are happy to announce today that we have created a "2023 Replacement Countersheet" that includes all of the counter updates that we and the designers know of as errata for games from 2022 and several from 2023. Tony and I have discussed how best to get these counters to any of you who want them and we have decided to let you basically "opt in" to getting them so we know exactly who wants them. So we're setting it up like a P500 item - except that it's already approved to print. We just need to know how many of you want the item.

  • Crimea: Conquest & Liberation (Inglés)

    Crimea covers the series of campaigns in the Crimean Peninsula during the war on the Eastern Front. Several scenarios cover the period of Axis ascendancy during the period September 1941 – July 1942. 

  • Twilight of the Reich: Endgame in the...

    TWILIGHT OF THE REICH (TotR) takes Advanced Squad Leader players to the final stages of the war in the European theater, as 15 of its 17 scenarios concentrate on the Allied advance from the borders of Germany in 1944, through a series of Hitler-declared “fortress” cities, to the final struggle in 1945 for the heart of the Reich itself—Berlin.

  • Operation Cartwheel

    Deciding which battle in the Pacific War is the bloodiest all depends on what numbers are being counted. Convincing arguments can be made for Tarawa, Iwo, Okinawa, and Peleliu, and possibly others.

  • Axis Empires: Ultimate Edition (Inglés)

    If you’re a diehard World War II grognard, then Axis Empires Ultimate Edition (AE) is the game for you. It’s the final evolution of our popular series of strategic games on the global struggles of 1937 to 1945 and beyond. Inside this box are the newest editions of both Totaler Krieg (TK) and Dai Senso (DS). TK covers the war in Europe, while DS does the same for Asia and the Pacific.

  • Expansión Alemania 1 - Warfighter

    Expansión #3 Alemania 1: incluye soldados alemanes, armas alemanas, más cartas de acción, más equipamiento, más habilidades y más misiones, objetivos y ubicaciones.

  • Expansión Alemania 2 - Warfighter

    Expansión #8 Alemania 2: con más soldados, más equipo y más hostiles, incluidos los vehículos recién agregados y las armas antitanque.

  • Expansión Batalla De Bastogne - Warfighter

    Expansión #50 Bastogne: El 16 de diciembre de 1944, en medio de un crudo invierno, el ejército alemán lanzó su última gran ofensiva en Occidente, apostando a romper las líneas estadounidenses y explotar hasta el Mosa, con la esperanza de evitar la derrota. Crítico para el éxito fue el cruce estratégico de carreteras de Bastogne. A las 16:50 del 26 de diciembre, los elementos avanzados de la 4ª División Acorazada de los EE. UU. Irrumpieron en Bastogne y levantaron oficialmente el asedio.

  • Expansión Aerotransportada - Warfighter

    Expansión #24 US Aerotransportada: Este es un paquete aerotransportado especial con nuevos soldados, ubicaciones, misiones, objetivos, armas, equipo y habilidades. ¡Aerotransportada también agrega nuevos tipos de tarjetas de Landing Zone y tarjetas de Enemy Line!

  • Marvel Dice Throne + Correcciones

    Dice Throne es un juego de dados, juego de cartas táctico, héroes poderosos y habilidades únicas.

  • A Panzer Grenadier Campaign Study - 1940:...

    1940: The Last Days of May is a Panzer Grenadier Campaign Study. with 11 scenarios from the final days of the German invasion of France, in two chapters, each with a battle game to link the scenarios together. You’ll need Panzer Grenadier: 1940 The Fall of France and Road to Dunkirk to play all of the scenarios.

  • Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich,...

    Downfall es un juego para dos jugadores sobre la conquista del Tercer Reich en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un jugador controla a los Aliados occidentales y el otro a la Unión Soviética en su esfuerzo conjunto por destruir al Eje. Aunque los dos jugadores comparten el objetivo de derrotar al Reich, cada uno busca una victoria que favorezca su dominio en la Europa de la posguerra. Para ello, cada jugador controla dos facciones:

  • Silent War and IJN, Deluxe 2nd Edition...

    Silent War is a solitaire simulation of the United States’ Navy submarine war against Imperial Japan in World War Two. You serve as Commander of Submarines, US Pacific Fleet (ComSubPac). Your mission is to deploy your boats with maximum effect to destroy Japanese shipping, while limiting your own submarine losses.

  • Expansión 49 Castillo Frankenstein -...

    El descubrimiento del Dieselium a finales de la década de 1930, a pesar de su inestabilidad tóxica, ha impulsado el desarrollo de motores capaces de alcanzar potencias y pesos inimaginables.

  • Expansión 25 ¡Paracaidistas Alemanes! -...

    Forma parte de la élite del ejército alemán con esta expansión. Nuevas misiones, soldados para tus partidas, añade paracaidistas alemanes y su equipo a las partidas de Warfighter 2ªGM.

  • Rollo - a yatzee game (EN/FR/GR/IT)

    Let the animal dice roll … With this funny dice game variant, even younger ones score points by collecting birds, rabbits, frogs & Co. Each player can roll the dice up to three times per round and tries to meet as many requirements as possible through clever combinations. The result can be entered immediately on the supplied block. Who manages to roll fi ve identical motifs and get the maximum number of points? And who gets a bonus? Fun for the whole family – also ideal for on the go.

  • Bishop & Nightcrawler - Marvel Crisis...

    Bishop y Rondador Nocturno

    Paquete de Personajes

    «¿Te sorprende verme?»

    Acróbata, fenómeno de circo, el más extraño miembro de la Patrulla-X: Kurt Wagner, conocido como «Rondador Nocturno», fue reclutado para la Patrulla-X por su capacidad mutante de teletransportarse. Gracias a ella, en cuanto empieza la batalla, Kurt está listo y a la espera del momento perfecto para asestar el golpe decisivo que le permita llevar a todos a casa de una pieza.

  • Iceman & Shadowcat - Marvel Crisis...

    El Hombre de Hielo y Gatasombra

    Paquete de Personajes

    «Los chavales más enrollados de la clase»

    Bobby Drake, conocido como «el Hombre de Hielo», ha sido uno de los primeros mutantes en tenerse por un X-Men; sin embargo, y siendo como es el payaso de la clase siempre, sus gélidos superpoderes de nada sirven para atemperar su alocado comportamiento.

  • Professor X & Shadow King - Marvel Crisis...

    Profesor X y El Rey Sombra

    Paquete de Personajes

    «El maestro también debe aprender sus propias lecciones»

    Charles Xavier es el Profesor X, un mutante telépata con unas dotes extraordinarias. Como fundador de la Escuela para Jóvenes Superdotados de Xavier y líder de la Patrulla-X, Xavier sueña con un futuro esperanzador donde los humanos y los mutantes puedan coexistir en paz y armonía.

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