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Edad mínima recomendada

Edad mínima recomendada



  • 0kg - 2,23kg



  • 0,00 € - 450,00 €

Jugadores (mínimo)

Jugadores (mínimo)

Jugadores (máximo)

Jugadores (máximo)

Nivel de dificultad

Nivel de dificultad

Duración media de la partida

Duración media de la partida





Formato pequeño (portátil)

Formato pequeño (portátil)



Información de la tienda

Información de la tienda

¿Jugamos Una?
C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla

Filtros activos

  • Agentes del Caos: Warcry - WARHAMMER Age...

    Los guerreros que se comprometen con los Dioses Oscuros acuden a Ochopartes como si fuera su tierra prometida. Aquí, buscan probarse a sí mismos, conquistar, elevar sus asquerosas ofrendas y deleitarse con la matanza. Una miríada de bestias aulladoras y daemons sedientos de sangre los siguen, ansiosos de llamar la atención de los Dioses y ganar la gloria infernal.

  • Centinelas del Orden: Warcry - WARHAMMER...

    El caos lo corrompe todo, pero no por ello lo hará sin oposición alguna. Las fuerzas del Orden luchan por reclamar lo que fue invadido, incluyendo Todaspartes, como se conocían las tierras de Torre Varán. Pequeñas fuerzas están poniendo a prueba las defensas de sus enemigos infernales, infiltrándose en esas malditas tierras mediante el sigilo y la astucia. Cada campeón de los Poderes Ruinosos asesinado es una victoria que hay que celebrar, cada reliquia antigua liberada es un regalo para la civilización. Ahora depende de ti: ¡resiste y reclama!

  • Sendas sombrías - El Señor de los Anillos:...

    “Los enanos escuchaban y se mesaban las barbas, pues pronto tendrían que aventurarse en ese bosque, y después de las montañas el bosque era el peor de los peligros, antes de llegar a la fortaleza del dragón.” —El Hobbit

    Sendas sombrías es una expansión para el juego de mesa El Señor de los Anillos: Viajes por la Tierra Media, que incorpora nuevos héroes, enemigos, elementos de terreno y objetos para todas tus aventuras en Endor. 

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    Stockpile Edición Épica

    Stockpile es un trepidante juego económico de inversiones corporativas, tráfico de información privilegiada y manipulación del mercado. Cada jugador actúa como un inversor privado que tiene el objetivo de amasar el mayor beneficio posible.

  • Arqueras de Nand

    El Valle de Nand está siendo invadido por hordas de orcos salvajes. Los guerrerros pierden la batalla cuerpo a cuerpo, solo queda una esperanza... las arqueras de Nand. Defiende el valle a golpe de espada y avisa a las arqueras ocultas en las montañas utilizando SQL, el lenguaje para consultar las bases de datos. ¡El futuro del Valle de Nand depende de ti!

  • Dragon Parks

    ¿Estás preparado para gestionar un parque de… ¡¡¡DRAGONES!!!? Consigue dragones de todas las especies, atrae al máximo número de visitantes y alimenta bien a tus fieras ¡para que no se coman a nadie!

  • Babushka (Multi-idioma)

    Babushka es un desafiante juego de lógica para 1 jugador a partir de los 6 años. Tendrás que mover las 3 Matryoshka de madera para conseguir colocarlas una dentro de otra en un mismo punto del tablero.

    Supera los retos y reune a la abuela con sus nietas.

  • Beppo der Bock (Multi-idioma)

    Each player controls a wooden figure and tries to reach the last space of the track. However, the buck Beppo, represented by a wooden piece as well, is resting in the fields and should not be disturbed...

    On his turn, a player places Beppo on a powerful magnet, then sends a small metallic ball in its direction. If he meets them, Beppo will kick the players' figures away (sending them back to the start of the track), and the place where he arrives on the board determines how far the active player moves his pawn.

  • Mini Puzzle Fabio

    Este adorable puzzle de madera natural de 4 piezas se llama Fabio y está esperando a ser armado por unos pequeños dedos.

    Las encantadoras ilustraciones muestran donde vive Fabio la ranita.

    Los niños a partir de 1 año pueden sujetar bien las piezas de este puzzle y colocarlas en su lugar correcto en marco de madera, así entrenarán su motricidad fina y descubren el mundo de la rana.

  • Mini Puzzle Muku

    Este adorable puzzle de madera natural de 4 piezas se llama Muku y está esperando a ser armado por unos pequeños dedos.

    Las encantadoras ilustraciones muestran donde vive Muku la vaquita.

    Los niños a partir de 1 año pueden sujetar bien las piezas de este puzzle y colocarlas en su lugar correcto en marco de madera, así entrenarán su motricidad fina y descubren el mundo de la vaca.

  • Mini Puzzle Flori

    Este puzzle de madera natural de 4 piezas se llama Flori y está esperando a ser armado por unos pequeños dedos.

    Los niños a partir de 1 año pueden sujetar bien las piezas de este puzzle y colocarlas en su lugar correcto en marco de madera, así entrenarán su motricidad fina y descubren el mundo de los bomberos.

  • Mini Puzzle Sissi

    Este adorable puzzle de madera natural de 4 piezas se llama Sissi y está esperando a ser armado por unos pequeños dedos.

    Las encantadoras ilustraciones muestran donde vive Sissi la ovejita.

    Los niños a partir de 1 año pueden sujetar bien las piezas de este puzzle y colocarlas en su lugar correcto en marco de madera, así entrenarán su motricidad fina y descubren el mundo de la oveja.

  • Mary (Multi-idioma)

    Mary, contains a wooden tray with three sets of ten squared tiles with different patterns:

    • 10 ladybugs, with each ladybug bearing a number of dots from 1 to 10
    • 10 puddles of paint, each of a different color
    • 10 pictures of different colors with simple shapes (umbrella, kite, worm...)

    The player needs to arrange these tiles in the tray with respect to colors and/or numbers.

  • Der Kleine Sprechdachs (Multi-idioma)

    Der kleine Sprechdachs is a children's game for ages 5+ from Reiner Knizia. Tiles with parts of a story about a little badger have to be memorized to build a coherent story when put together. The player that builds the best story wins. It's a game that teaches language skills and imagination.

  • Super Wash (Alemán)

    Superheld Hanno und seine Schwester, die Fantastische Fiona, sollen mal wieder die Welt retten. Doch vorher müssen die Superheldenklamotten noch gewaschen und natürlich auch getrocknet werden.

    Und das, bevor ihnen der böse Dr. Cloud einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht! Die Spieler schlüpfen abwechselnd in die Rolle der Superhelden und Dr. Cloud. Wem es gelingt, die meiste Wäsche aufzuhängen, gewinnt!

  • Torres (Multi-idioma)

    Torres is an abstract game of resource management and tactical pawn movement. Players are attempting to build up castles and position their knights to score the most points each turn. Players have a limited supply of knights and action cards that allow special actions to be taken. Efficient use of pieces and cards, along with a thoughtful awareness of future possibilities, is the heart of this game.

  • Mopsen (Alemán)

    The pugs are going crazy because another load of delicious bones has just arrived from the kitchen. None of the dogs can get enough and everybody wants to get the best pieces for himself. Therefore, each spoiled pug forges ahead in order to snatch the tasty food before the others do ... and then there is also a nasty cat lurking around to totally mess everything up!

  • Monster Diner (Alemán)

    Wo ist das Personal geblieben? In Monster Diner hat jeder Spieler als Restaurantmanager alle Hände voll zu tun, eine möglichst perfekte Belegschaft zusammenzustellen, während die Konkurrenz eifrig bemüht ist, ihm dabei in die Suppe zu

    spucken. Einen Pizzabäcker behält man immer gern bei sich; mit dem angetrunkenen Bartender hingegen soll sich doch lieber die Konkurrenz herumschlagen. Einstellen oder weiterschicken – diese Frage stellt sich bei jeder neu aufgedeckten

    Karte. Was dem einen schadet, erfreut einen Mitspieler – und umgekehrt. Apropos … wo kommt eigentlich auf einmal der Restaurantkritiker her?!

  • Jumpkins (Multi-idioma)

    Forres Jump and his gang of flightless insects want to reach the small island in the pond by using sophisticated jumping techniques. To this end, they decide to hold a contest: Who will make the best use of the different take-off positions for the Jumpkins cubes and, with skill and a bit of luck, stack up with as many of his fellow members of the species as possible in order to form the tallest tower on the island?

  • Humboldt's Great Voyage (Multi-idioma)

    In the 19th century, Alexander von Humboldt was considered the second Columbus. His first great discovery journey to and across America led him from the Amazon jungle all the way to the White House. The knowledge he gained not only opened up a new way of viewing nature and its relationships, but also made Humboldt the most famous man of his time besides Napoleon.

  • Funky Monkey (Multi-idioma)

    The Funky Monkeys are running through the forest. Everybody teases everybody else and all monkeys fool around, wild and loud. Just for mischief, they decide to take a test of courage: Who will be bold enough to aggravate the tiger by throwing a coconut right on his head? Find out and pass on face-down vine cards to one another. Who has the courage to reveal an opponent's card? Do you want to progress quickly in order to land exactly on the tiger? Or would you rather keep enough distance so that you won't end up in his claws? There's a lot going on in Funky Monkey... but don't get too boisterous!

  • Fiesta Mexicana (Multi-idioma)

    The Mexican party is about to start! Who will serve the most delicious dishes to his guests?

    In turn, players bid for the tiles. The special thing is that the numbers on the player boards determine the bids and the places you can put the food tiles. If you can't place any tile, you may rotate your player board 90 degrees, which gives you a new starting position with new numbers for bidding! Who will manage to fill his player board with as many point-potent food tiles as possible? If you are able to place your tiles properly through clever bidding and placement and even fulfill your task cards by the end, you'll have a good chance to win.

  • Emojito! Party (Multi-idioma)

    Emojito Party! provides big emotions in a practical travel format. As in the classic game EMOJITO!, players have to express emotions that are specified on the game cards: the bored, arrogant cat, the nasty fish or the frenetic, overwound alarm clock. You think that's easy? Then play Emojito Party and find out how well you are able to realize and recognize emotions. You can play Emojito Party! as an independent game, or add its cards as a complement to the classic party game EMOJITO!. Give your emotions free rein!

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    Battletech Clan Invasion Box (Inglés)

    With this box, you’ll unlock powerful new factions and ‘Mechs to expand your BattleTech experience and take part in a cataclysmic conflict which will rock the Inner Sphere. This box set includes five iconic OmniMechs – the Timber Wolf, Executioner, Nova, Adder, and Grendel.

  • Duck (Multi-idioma)

    Lulu, Sonny and Duke take part in the great duck race. Play your hand cards cleverly and draw only cards that are of advantage to you for your next turn. Watch your opponents closely – the first player to play all his cards wins the round and earns valuable points. Will you play quickly but cleverly? Or will you be bold enough to duck down and exit the round? And if you do, will you really have the lowest total in your hand? Who will duck down most quickly and thus gain the most victory points?

  • Coralia (Multi-idioma)

    The colorful reefs around the former pirate island of Coralia provide a paradise for scientists from all over the world who explore the underwater world with their diving robots and work on the preservation of the coral reefs. They send their ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) into the depths of the sea in order to find certain species. Moreover, they also keep their eyes open in case they can find a sunken pirate's treasure or two. A few pearls would be welcome, too, so that they won't be just a renowned explorer in the end, but also a wealthy one ... In this dice-placement game, each player tries to make the most points with a bit of luck and the right decisions – an adventure for the entire family.

  • Catham City (Multi-idioma)

    In Catham City, the mayoral elections are coming up soon. Which candidate will have the thickest skin and the sharpest claws

    in order to hold the upper hand in the swamp of a corrupt bureaucracy, a lying press, and devious hacker attacks? In this fast-paced card game, players choose 5 out of 8 possible factions. Each faction has different abilities that everybody tries to use in the best possible way to his own advantage and against the other players. Only if you act cleverly will you win the election.

  • Protect the museum (Multi-idioma)

    Protect the museum by setting up lasers such that every place in the museum is covered by a laser. But don't let the lasers point at each other!

    128 challenging levels separated into Easy, Medium, Hard, and Very Hard levels.

  • Prof. Marbles (Multi-idioma)

    Prof. Marbles offers players 60 tasks in 4 different difficulty levels. Each task card shows the configuration and results of the laboratory test: Which test tubes are used? How many colored marbles do you need for this task? And in what order are the marbles in the test tubes? The number and order of the marbles can be changed by cleverly transferring the marbles. The aim is to achieve the given color combination in as few transfers as possible. But the tasks are getting more and more challenging and experimenting with marbles and tubes more and more demanding.

  • Manifold (Multi-idioma)

    El Origami es el arte japonés de doblar el papel. Es originario de Japón, también conocido como papiroflexia. Se puede definir como un arte educativo, que desarrolla la creatividad, la calma, y paciencia a quien lo practica.

    Partiendo de una base inicial (rectángulos, triángulos u otras formas) se obtienen figuras realmente preciosas. La única norma es que todo se tiene que hacer doblando el papel y de una sola pieza, sin romperlo o pegarlo.

  • Leolino (Multi-idioma)

    Leolino (Multi-idioma)

    Polar bear, lion, elephant, flamingo, crocodile and gorilla all have reason to rejoice: the zoo has just been renovated and all can now move into their new enclosures.

    But you can easily get lost in these unknown paths! Help everyone find their place again.

  • Dog Pile (Inglés)

    No matter whether it's a floppy-eared dog, a big schnauzer or a little pug, all dogs want to have a nice, cozy place on the colored blanket. For this, many a dog even accepts a dog lover on his head. Only if dog lovers stack well and combine cleverly will all dogs fit on the blanket in the end. Each difficulty level requires more concentration: Should you place the red lapdog upside down in a corner or rather crossways in the third layer? With skilled hands and logical perseverance, you will find a place for all dogs in Dog Pile.

  • D-ICED (Multi-idioma)

    Let's roll: brain teasers with six dice sides. A new challenge with every task: Up to eight dice have to be arranged in such a way that each of them borders exactly as many neighboring dice as its value indicates. Let logic reign!

  • Good Night, Bunnies! (Multi-idioma)

    Good Night, Bunnies! is a cooperative game: In the evening, players have to catch the little bunnies on the meadow and close their hutches. But this is not so easy as long as there are new pairs of bunny ears constantly coming up from one of the numerous holes in the ground. The more hutches you can close by the end of the game, the better you are as bunny keepers.

  • Gespenster am Fenster (Multi-idioma)

    Ghost catchers (Multi-idioma)

    At midnight, the ghosts appear at the old castle, alternately looking through the windows. Now the ghost hunters are in demand! Who will be the first to find the

    matching shadow and thus magically chase the ghosts away? The player with the sharpest eye and the quickest hand wins!

  • Die kleine Hexe - Das verdrehte Memospiel...

    The Little Witch - The twisted memory game (Multi-idioma)

    In the game "Die kleine Hexe", children experience the story of the book. The little witch does many good deeds in order to prove to the big witches that she is a good witch. Players have to find the good deeds, one after another, on their spaces under the face-down tiles on the gameboard by stopping the witch who is flying over the playing area.

  • Die kleine Hexe - Das turbulente Flug- und...

    The Little Witch - The Turbulent Flight and Search Game (Multi-idioma)

    The children accompany the little witch and help her do good deeds. At the beginning of the game, tiles with good deeds are distributed all over the room. During the course of the game, the children - together with the flying little witch - have to find the different good deeds, collect them using the magnetic broom, and bring them to the other children.

  • Captain Wonder Cape (Multi-idioma)

    What would the world be without toilet paper ?! After all, even superheroes have to go to the bathroom! Of course, it can happen that the paper gets tangled in your own superhero costume. Suddenly your fluttering cape is getting longer, but unfortunately it is no longer completely pure.What would the world be without toilet paper ?! After all, even superheroes have to go to the bathroom! Of course, it can happen that the paper gets tangled in your own superhero costume. Suddenly your fluttering cape is getting longer, but unfortunately it is no longer completely pure.

  • Carla Cat (Multi-idioma)

    Pounce is a variant of the public domain game, Buttons.

    A game involving rubber mice, dice, cheese tokens, and a miniature toilet plunger. There are several different Pounce editions which have substantially different components, but similar gameplay. The 2004 edition, for example, has a plastic cat shaped capture device that doesn't resemble a toilet plunger.

    A player rolls the dice and depending on their roll either tries to plunge the mice or not. Players holding the mice must pull their mice away before they are captured.

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