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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla

Filtros activos

  • Categoría: Espías
  • Categoría: Guerra moderna
  • Categoría: Medioambiental
  • Categoría: Napoleónico
  • [Pre-Venta 30/05/2024] Rauha

    Tras milenios de desolación, la vida brota de nuevo en Rauha. Como venerable chamán, mueve tu avatar alrededor de tu mundo para modelarlo y convertirlo en una fuente de energía vital.

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    Prime Minister (Inglés)

    In 1837, Queen Victoria begins her long reign over the United Kingdom, a country split between Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals strive for social progress, including repeal of the Corn Laws to help feed the working classes, expansion of the electorate to create a real democracy, and Home Rule for Ireland. Conservatives want to slow the pace of change, while advancing their own agenda to maintain order, protect traditional values, and secure the Empire. Her Majesty occasionally interferes in politics, but it’s the Prime Minister who really governs the country and sets the political agenda.

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    Rorke's Drift: Men of Harlech (Inglés)

    One of the most famous battles of the Zulu war, a small band of British defended against thousands of Zulu warriors. Watch for Zulu Snipers! Fall Back to gain strategic advantages! Hold the position to earn medals and respect in England. It is all here in this amazing, simple to learn game.

  • The Battle of Mackinac Island (Inglés)

    In the final year of the War of 1812, the United States launched a campaign against British forces in the Great Lakes region between the present-day Michigan and Ontario. This involved an ill-fated attempt by American troops to retake strategic Mackinac Island.

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    Napoleon's End (Inglés)

    The first of the four battles occurred on the 17th and 18th of February: Mormant took place 3 days after the Battle of Vauchamps, covered in “La Patrie en Danger.” The last two battles were fought in late-March: Arcis followed 8 days after Reims, from “Napoleon Retreats.” With all three games you can contemplate a 12-battle Grand Campaign.

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    Ironclads (Inglés)

    The IRONCLADS is a tactical level, simultaneous movement, game of ship-to-ship combat in the American Civil War. Players move one or more of over 130 counters that represent individual ships over a large (42" x 27-1/2") four pieceqeomorphlc mapboard as they attempt to outmaneuver and out-shoot their opponents. 45 ship specification cards give such vital information as the number, size, location and play of individual guns that are fired separately using specific range and penetration tables for each weapon.

  • The Expansion Kit - Ironclads (Inglés)

    The Ironclads Expansion Kit extends the Ironclads system to 1879, adds ships from all the major European powers of the same time period, new battles, and some new optional rules.

  • An Loc: 1972 – The North Vietnamese Push...

    An Loc, 1972 captures the action of the gripping, but little known, action which extended the life South Vietnam as an independent nation. North Vietnam launched the massive “Easter Offensive,” expecting to roll all the way to Saigon. But first, the provincial capital of An Loc had to be captured. With large quantities of armored vehicles and artillery, and 3-1 odds in infantry, it should not have been a lengthy battle. But heavy air support stretched the action into a 66 day siege, which might be considered the ARVN’s last victory.

  • Peak Courage: The Battles for Mount Hermon...

    At the very beginning of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syrian commandoes captured the Israeli strongpoint atop Mount Hermon in a daring surprise attack. Despite clear intelligence that a Syrian attack along the Golan Heights was imminent, the Israelis were caught completely by surprise by the Syrian attack at Mt. Hermon.

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    Winter's Victory: The Battle of...

    Winter's Victory is a grand tactical, battalion level simulation of the battle of Preussisch-Eylau that occurred on February 7th and 8th in 1807 in West Prussia (modern day Poland and Russia). It pits the Emperor Napoleon's Grande Armee against the Army of Imperial Russia under General Count von Bennigsen. This winter battle was one of the bloodiest battles of the Napoleonic era. The full campaign game covers the entire two day period of this epic struggle. The game also includes smaller scenarios covering Napoleon's approach to Eylau on the afternoon of the 7th, the bloody battle of the 8th on the high ground beyond Eylau, Davout's III Corps attack against the Russian left flank, and the Prussian late day counter attack.

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    Littoral Commander: Indo-Pacific (Inglés)

    Littoral Commander (formerly Fleet Marine Force) is a 2-6 player boardgame about current and future potential military conflict in the Indo-Pacific region, a hybrid of standard wargames and card-driven games as players spend action points during their turn to activate cards or move units on the game board.

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    1979: Revolution in Iran (Inglés)

    1979: Revolution in Iran is a national-level strategic game covering the events leading up to the 1953 coup, the Islamic Revolution and the turbulent period in between.

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    Reserva Waterloo Solitaire (Inglés)

    Waterloo Solitaire can be played as either side.  You take the role of Napoleon commanding the French army  against an opposing Allied autonomous player side, referred to as the Allied BOT side. And you can take the role of Wellington, commanding the Allied army against a French BOT side. Each opposing BOT side has 3 levels that relate to its skill; Challenging, Veteran, and Tough.

  • Redwood: Into the Wild (Inglés)

    Nature becomes wilder, new gameplay modules added:

    • The Puma
    • 7 new animals with character traits.
    • Characters cards with special abilities.
    • 3 new Movement templates: Paraglider, bike and canoe.
    • Giant Redwood and tents.
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    [Pre-Venta 07/2024] Brass: Birmingham Deluxe

    Brass: Birmingham recrea la historia de los emprendedores que compitieron en Birmingham y sus alrededores durante la Revolución Industrial de Inglaterra, entre los años 1770 y 1870. En esta reimplementación de la obra maestra original, Brass: Lancashire, expandirás tu imperio construyendo canales y líneas de ferrocarril, y construirás y desarrollarás varios tipos de industrias, como fábricas algodoneras, minas de carbón, talleres, cervecerías, fundiciones de hierro y alfarerías.

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    Diplomacy es el juego de mesa de estrategia militar por antonomasia. Diplomacy permite la negociación entre los jugadores, negociaciones que luego no tienen por que cumplirse. Las unidades militares tienen todas la misma fuerza o poder de ataque, por lo que las ayudas (propias o de otros jugadores) se hacen imprescindibles.

  • Rebel Fury: Six Battles from the Campaigns...

    This design features a new system on Civil War combat akin to the old SPI Blue and Gray Quads. Each game in Rebel Fury is quick-set-up, quick-playing, and deeply interactive. The density of counters in each scenario is low, allowing you to see and experience the big picture of the battle.

  • Bonsái

    Un bonsái es una obra de arte viva, una planta en miniatura perfecta, un microcosmos que alberga el misterio del universo, inalterado en todos los aspectos excepto en las dimensiones. Conviértete en un experto maestro del bonsái y cultiva tu propio árbol en miniatura. 

  • Dorfromantik: The Duel (Inglés)

    In Dorfromantik - The Duel, compete against another player to see whocan create the most beautiful world from hexagonal landscapes. Who will best succeed in fulfilling the wishes of the villagers and mastering the new task types? For additional challenges and more direct interaction, you can add 2 Modules. Of course, you can also compete against each other in teams!

  • Trekking

    TCG Factory te invita a disfrutar de un agradable paseo por la montaña con Trekking. En este eurogame familiar cada uno de los jugadores hará una ruta distinta y ganará puntos en función de los caminos que haya tomado, los animales que haya visto y las cimas que haya coronado. Una carrera contra los otros jugadores en la que tendrás que planificar bien tu ruta para conseguir todos tus objetivos sin perder toda tu energía.

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    Dorfromantik es un juego cooperativo de colocación de losetas en el que colaboraréis para crear un maravilloso paisaje de losetas hexagonales mientras completáis las misiones que os requieren sus habitantes.

    Cuantos más puntos obtengáis, más losetas nuevas podréis desbloquear para añadir a vuestro paisaje. Estas os presentarán nuevos desafíos y os ayudarán a superar vuestra puntuación en partidas posteriores.

    ¿Cuál es la máxima puntuación que podéis lograr?

  • Humedal

    El sol matinal se alza sobre el humedal y su luz se filtra a través de la neblina. Bajo los viejos árboles que se balancean con el viento, el suelo sirve de refugio para la fauna y la flora autóctonas, haciendo de este humedal un lugar vital en el medioambiente.

  • Quest

    ¡La batalla entre el Bien y el Mal se decide ahora! Los vastos ejércitos del Mal de Mordred mantienen a las fuerzas de Arturo al borde de la derrota. Con el futuro de Gran Bretaña en el filo de la navaja, la desesperación obliga a Arturo a lanzar una serie de gestas planificadas apresuradamente para inclinar la balanza a favor del Bien. Los líderes deben elegir sus equipos rápidamente, sin votación. Sin embargo, no todo está perdido. Las fuerzas de Arturo cuentan con la ayuda de magia y amuletos poderosos para descubrir a los secuaces de Mordred infiltrados entre ellos. Y si todo eso falla, una última gesta final aún puede conceder la victoria.

  • Cascadia: Hitos Expansión

    En Cascadia: Hitos, los jugadores crean extensos hábitats y colocan bellos hitos naturales en ellos.

  • Pradera

    En Pradera, los jugadores se convierten en observadores de  la naturaleza que compiten por el título de observador más  hábil. Equipados de conocimiento, pasearán por paisajes  pintorescos, se toparán con especies diferentes de animales  y plantas y descubrirán objetos inusuales. Puede que  durante su viaje observen a pequeños roedores entre los  pastizales, presencien cómo un busardo caza una presa o  contemplen a una víbora solearse.

  • Hollywood 1947 (Inglés)

    In the game each player will secretly be a Patriot, Communist, or Rising Star. Each round every player will have a unique Job to perform (such as the Screenwriter, Gaffer, Director, Actor, Editor, etc). These jobs will affect what kind of movie is getting made that round, what cards are in players’ hands, and who will receive special information. Players can choose to skip their jobs to instead re-roll any two of the dice in the game. At the end of each round the players with stars showing on their dice will get to add a card into the movie.

  • Branch and Claw, Premium Foil Spirit...

    You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island: Branch and Claw expansion with premium foil card versions of those same panels!

  • Premium Foil Spirit Panels - Spirit Island...

    You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island with premium foil card versions of those same panels!

  • Jagged Earth, Premium Foil Spirit Panels -...

    You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island Jagged Earth expansion with premium foil card versions of those same panels!

  • Wabash Cannonball (Inglés)

    The savvy Robber Barons of 1830 America are building the railroads of the Eastern US and getting richer every day. Who will be the financial wizard in this economic battle? With no luck or randomness in this fight

  • Marine Worlds - Ark Nova (Inglés)

    Ark Nova: Marine Worlds, an expansion for Ark Nova, introduces multiple new elements to the game, such as sea animals that each have to be played in new special enclosures that must be built adjacent to water.

  • Expansión Desembarco - Warfighter

    Esta expansión de Warfighter 2GM añade 56 cartas al juego: armas, equipo y enemigos, sin necesidad de reglas especiales, sólo tienes que añadirlas en tus partidas. Debes tener el juego base.

  • Expansión Batalla De Saint-Lô - Warfighter

    Esta expansión de Warfighter 2GM añade 56 cartas al juego: armas, equipo y enemigos, sin necesidad de reglas especiales, sólo tienes que añadirlas en tus partidas. Debes tener el juego base.

  • Ouch!

    Ouch! Es un juego de cartas creado por Romain Caterdjian y Théo Rivière e ilustrado por Fran Collado. Recomendado a partir de cinco años, pueden participar de 2 a 5 jugadores en partidas de unos diez minutos de duración. Los jugadores competirán por obtener el mayor número y más variado de flores de cactus, evitando los afilados pinchos.

  • Folio Game Series: Marengo - Morning...

    The Napoleon at War classics are being updated to a Brigade-level System with Artillery largely in separate Units.

  • Moorland (Inglés)

    As the morning sun tentatively rises above the high moor, its light filters through the remaining mist. The ground beneath the swaying, ancient trees is a haven for specialized animals and plants, making this an important place for our environment.

  • Before Waterloo, the 1814 Expansion (Inglés)

    Well to start, Before Waterloo by John Prados (perhaps his last new published work) is a two-player strategic simulation encompassing military, economic, and diplomatic developments of the Napoleonic Campaign of 1814 - the year before the more well-known events of 1815. It is NOT a complete game in itself. Players must own the second edition of Beyond Waterloo (see below) to fully use this expansion kit.

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    Valley of Tears (Inglés)

    Valley of Tears is a Battalion Combat Series game depicting the entire 1973 Yom Kippur war from 6 Oct 73 until the ceasefire enforced by the Superpowers and the UN. As the culmination of over 20 years of research in consultation with world-class experts, Valley of Tears shows the Yom Kippur war at a level of detail not yet seen. For the first time ever, for example, the game’s maps were precisely drawn using actual tactical Israeli maps used during the war and include the official code names for hilly defensive positions in both battle areas.

  • Port Arthur

    Es un juego de simulación de la guerra Ruso-Japonesa de 1904 a 1905, centrado en sus batallas navales, para 2 personas, con partidas de una hora de duración aproximada.

    Se trata del segundo volumen de la serie “Raciones de combate” y el tercer título del autor japonés Yasushi Nakaguro que publicamos: 300 Tierra y Agua, Furia en Midway y ahora, Port Arthur.

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