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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada 4
41018 Sevilla

Filtros activos

  • Categoría: Exploración espacial
  • [Pre-Venta 31/05/2024] Bounty Hunters

    ¡Conviértete en el mejor cazarrecompensas de la galaxia!

    En Star WarsTM: Bounty Hunters, los jugadores son cazarrecompensas de élite que persiguen objetivos por toda la galaxia.

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    Xia: Leyendas De Un Sistema A La Deriva

    Es un juego de 3 a 5 jugadores tipo “Sandbox” 4X (eXploración, eXpansión, eXplotación de recursos y eXterminio de enemigos) de aventura espacial. Esta es la edición en castellano de Maldito Games.

  • Wormholes (Inglés)

    In a peaceful galaxy, a new technology has been invented: wormholes. They allow ships to warp from one point to another and open countless possibilities for commerce and travel. As the captain of a passenger spaceship newly equipped with a wormhole fabricator, you can make some serious space bucks by building a robust network of wormholes. Link the farthest reaches of space while delivering passengers to become the most successful captain in this golden age of spacefaring. It’s time to bend space and go fast.

  • Wild Space

    Wild Space

    ¡Explora una nueva galaxia y hazte con sus riquezas!

  • Vulcans Dice (x9) - Star Trek: Ascendancy...

    Contains 9 Vulcans themed dice.

  • Volume 1: Atlean Steppes - Trinity City...

    What lies outside Trinity City? Perhaps a desert wasteland?

  • Venus Next - Terraforming Mars (Portugués)

    Vênus é um planeta que desde a Antiguidade fascina os seres humanos. Seu brilho intenso no céu noturno fez com que fosse batizado com o nome da deusa da beleza e do amor, um sinal de que a humanidade um dia tentaria se aproximar deste misterioso local da Via Láctea.

  • Ventures - SpaceCorp: 2025-2300 AD (Inglés)

    SpaceCorp: Ventures is the first module for SpaceCorp, the game of exploring and developing the Solar System and beyond. SpaceCorp: Ventures introduces unique enterprises via fourteen HQ mats, each putting a player in control of a different corporation, agency, or institution with its own capabilities and missions. Each HQ assigns specific start cards, Infra, advantages, and limitations for all three eras. These advantages and limitations evolve in Planeteers and Starfarers, and each HQ has a special, alternate final profit option at game end.

  • University - Trinity City (Inglés)

    The residents of Trinity City have the option to continue their education by attending Trinity City: University.

  • Unfinished Business Expansion - Star Wars...

    Packed with more of everything the game has to offer: characters, ships, gear, bounties, jobs, encounters, dice, and more! Two new tiles allow players to cross the galaxy by passing through the Core Worlds, and the new “favors” and “ambitions” change up how the game is played. Fire up your engines—it’s time to get down to business.

  • Tortuga 2199

    Registro planetario…
    Tortuga- antigua colonia de la confederación minera interestelar.
    Medio ambiente y fauna agresiva.
    El planeta está situado en la zona neutral de defensa del sector Omega.
    Desde la rebelión de los mineros, el planeta está bajo el control de insurgentes y clanes piratas.

  • Tímido Plutón - Space Base

    ¡Un nuevo astro en el sistema solar y una nueva forma de expandir tu juego!

    Un nuevo y extraño cuerpo celeste ha aparecido en la Vía Láctea. Las mentes más ilustres de las Naciones Unidas Terrícolas están confusas por la súbita aparición del Tímido Plutón. Que los tripulantes ocupen sus puestos: ¡es hora de desplegar tus naves!

  • The New Frontier - Space Alert (Inglés)

    Space Alert: The New Frontier (Inglés)

    Do you think your team of space pioneers is already experienced enough? Even the most dangerous of enemies don’t scare you anymore? There’s a new program of reconnaissance flights to extremely dangerous sectors. To survive you’ll need to pass a special training that allows you to do more actions in the same time.

  • The Mysteries of Terra Proxima - Space...

    It’s a new addition to the galaxy and a new way to expand your game! Merging the power of Shy Plutonium with new starship technologies has allowed the U.E.S. Science Corps to reach the distant stars of Alpha Centauri and discover the planet Terra Proxima. Strange ruins and vast fields of fungi cover much of the planet. Eager for knowledge, the U.E.S. authorizes colonization!

  • The Latest Models - Galaxy Trucker (Inglés)

    This expansion offers new ship classes for trans-galactic trucking

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    The Artemis Project (Inglés)

    Europa, Jupiter's moon. Deep beneath the crust, the oceans are teeming with alien sea life. Shellfish, plants, corals, arthropods, even strange fish and larger sea creatures populate a wide-ranging interconnected web of hidden seas. Volcanism is rampant, warming the mineral-rich waters and creating excellent conditions for energy-harvesting.

  • The Artemis Project

    Es el año 2348 y hemos forjado un exiguo afianzamiento en Europa, la luna helada de Júpiter. Décadas de esfuerzo han hecho que el aire sea respirable y se pueda sobrevivir a sus bajas temperaturas, pero la verdadera recompensa es el gran océano vivo escondido bajo las grandes masas de hielo. Las aguas se están caldeando por la acción volcánica y está floreciendo una gran vida marina alienígena. Los alimentos, los minerales, la energía y los espacios habitables están esperando la llegada del equipo con suficientes habilidades para aprovecharlos.

  • Terraforming Mars: Turmoil (Inglés)

    Turmoil, the fifth expansion to Terraforming Mars, takes players back to Mars, and the struggle for control and progress of human society on a big and dangerous planet.

    The expansion includes new corporations, new projects, and a new type of cards — Global Events, from dust storms to riots to rising alloy demand — that give you something to plan for 3 generations in advance.

  • Terraforming Mars (Portugués)

    A humanidade começou a se espalhar pelo sistema solar. Em Marte, foram construídas algumas colônias, que oferecem proteção contra as condições ambientais de um planeta terrivelmente frio, seco e quase sem atmosfera. Para aumentar a imigração da Terra para Marte, é preciso terraformá-lo através da alteração de suas condições ambientais, até que os seres humanos sejam capazes de viver sem equipamentos de proteção. Portanto, o Governo Mundial decidiu apoiar toda e qualquer organização que ajude nessa tarefa descomunal. As verbas generosas atraem corporações gigantescas que competem entre si para expandir os negócios e se tornar a força de maior influência por trás da terraformação. Nesta era, a conquista do Planeta Vermelho guarda grandes oportunidades.

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    Terraforming Mars (Inglés)

    In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable. In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your contribution to the terraforming, but also for advancing human infrastructure throughout the solar system, and doing other commendable things.

  • Terraforming Mars

    En el año 2400, la humanidad comienza a terraformar el planeta Marte. Gigantescas corporaciones, patrocinadas por el gobierno mundial de la Tierra, empiezan enormes proyectos para elevar la temperatura, los niveles de oxígeno y la cobertura del planeta por océanos para que el medio ambiente sea habitable. Según avance la terraformación, más y más personas migrarán desde la Tierra para vivir en el planeta rojo. Controla una corporación, juega cartas de proyecto, aumenta tu producción, coloca tus ciudades y áreas verdes sobre el mapa y lucha por los hitos y recompensas. ¿Liderará tu corporación el camino hacia una nueva era de la Humanidad? 

  • Tcpd Precinct - Trinity City (Inglés)

    Trinity City Police Department, are tasked with keeping the peace; the TCPD Precinct from HEXTECH is a valuable addition to your terrain city build.

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    Survive: Space Attack! (Inglés)

    Welcome to the height of technology and comfort, the Space Station Atlantis! All the comfort of a five star hotel, mixed with the adventure of space travel. The station is filled with staff, entertainers and guests trying to enjoy their out-of-this-world vacation. But all of a sudden, the Atlantis comes under attack by aliens!

  • Stellium


    En los albores de la creación del Universo, la elección de su arquitecto es crucial. Encarna las primeras Divinidades que aparecen en el Caos. 

  • Starship Interstellar

    Starship Interstellar es un juego de mesa que te llevará hasta el año 2357 cuando, sucesos astronómicos violentos y el uso no regulado de la nueva tecnología de «extracción solar» han acelerado significativamente el envejecimiento de nuestra estrella en las últimas décadas.  Nuestra única esperanza: un viaje interestelar que salve a la especie humana.

  • Starship Captains (Inglés) + Promo: Jigsaw...

    Hailing all Starship Captains! Get ready to embark on a maiden voyage through the cosmos! Explore a galaxy full of dangerous pirates and interplanetary missions, as you manage, train, and promote your crew to improve their diverse skills. 

  • Starship Captains

    ¡Bienvenido a bordo y felicidades por la promoción! Tu "nueva" nave estelar está lista para embarcarse en su primer gran viaje. Simplemente raspa un poco del óxido y te irá bien. ¿Y esa tripulación? Puede parecer que está un poco verde, pero ahora son tu equipo. Haznos sentir orgullosos.

  • Star Trek: Ascendancy (Inglés)

    Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization.

  • Star Scrappers - Orbital

    La industria espacial está comenzando a crecer nuevamente tras las Guerras Hy'Dran. Para fomentar su desarrollo, las fundaciones interestelares otorgan premios a las corporaciones que destaquen en diferentes áreas.

  • Star Clicker

    Vuestras familias se han ido de misión espacial y los alienígenas han aprovechado para invadir vuestro planeta. Ahora está en vuestras manos el futuro de vuestro hogar. ¡A derrotarlos!

  • Spaceship Unity: Season 1.1 (Inglés)

    “Come to the Interplanetary Alliance,” they said. “Do something worthwhile and support the IPA in keeping the Galactic Peace,” they said. “Great adventures await!” they said... But if someone had told us beforehand that we would have to serve on the Unity and save the galaxy with this piece of junk, we might have decided differently...

  • Space Station Phoenix (Inglés)

    The Galactic Council is considering expansion into a recently discovered solar system, one with a yellow dwarf star and some interesting-looking planets, including one that holds a species that could soon develop the technology required to join them.

  • Space Park (Inglés)

     Space Park

    Ride a rocket to extraordinary destinations across our galaxy. During your travels you will gather exotic crystals that further our understanding of what’s out there. Use these crystals to complete exploration badges and turn them in at the mysterious Outpost 13 to prove yourself as the galaxy’s next great space explorer!

  • Space Explorers (Inglés)

    The conquest of space was one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century.

    In 1957, the first satellite - named Sputnik 1- was launched into orbit. Just four years later, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space, aboard the spaceship Vostok 1.

  • Space Empires 4X 3 Inch Box (Inglés)

    Space Empires 4X is a game in the finest tradition of 4X space games - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. This game is Rich in Theme. Carriers, fighters, mines, cloaking, dreadnoughts, merchant shipping, colonization, mining, terraforming, shipyards, black holes, warp points, non-player aliens, Doomsday Machines - everything an Epic Space Opera needs. Despite that, the rules are Incredibly Simple. Almost 20 years in the making, many elegant solutions have been developed to remove complexity and make the game intuitive.

  • Space Base

    ¡Las Naciones Unidas terrícolas te necesitan!

    Como capitán de una base espacial, tu trabajo consiste en reclutar nuevas naves al servicio de tu flota para que patrullen los 12 sectores bajo tu supervisión. Usa cargueros, naves mineras y portanaves de despliegue para obtener ganancias y expandir tu influencia. ¡Solo uno de todos los capitanes de base espacial será ascendido a almirante de la flota de las N.U.T.!

  • Space Alert (Inglés)

    Space Alert (Inglés)

    Space Alert is a cooperative team survival game. Players become crew members of a small spaceship scanning dangerous sectors of galaxy. The missions last just 10 real-time minutes (hyperspace jump, sector scan, hyperspace jump back) and the only task the players have is to protect their ship. 

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    Sidereal Confluence (Inglés)

    The acclaimed negotiation game has been remastered!

    Astounding new cover art by Kwanchai Moriya

    Updated card layout

    Cardboard turn and bidding trackers

    Included teaching guide

    Improved rulebook flow for easy setup and learning - includes more visual examples and clear key terms

    Updated insert

    Tauceti Diechmann's thorough design sits at a unique intersection of simple turn order and complex chains of trading.

  • Set De Miniaturas - Nexum Galaxy

    Caja con 120 miniaturas para potenciar de forma espectacular las partidas de Nexum.

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