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C/ Santo Domingo de la Calzada, 4
41018 Sevilla

Juegos de la marca Archon Studio

  • Chambers of Torment Pre-Painted - Dungeons...

    Bloodcurdling screams echo through the walls of the underground disciplinary district in the city - prisons, torture chambers, and execution grounds. The very worst of society inhabit this location, like murderers, political dissidents, spies, and sadistic nobles looking to vent their anger. Occasionally, screams can be heard through the vents of the sewer system... almost breaking the illusion of the perfect city above.

  • Halls of Ancestors Pre-Painted - Dungeons...

    Deep within the mountains of Hyste Talma are ancient and abandoned Dwarven Holds - remnants of a forgotten time. Forged in fire and flames, the halls of these ancient cities still hold steady, housing treasures of untold fortune. Many Dwarven expeditions have been sent, but between the goblin infestations and terrifying monsters that have made the holds into their home, none have reached the deepest depths that hold the greatest artifacts.

  • Owlbear Family - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    The Banewoods are full of fantastic creatures, but my recent adventures have taken me to places I haven't seen mentioned in any books that I've read. Most recently, I came across an Owlbear nest - extremely fierce creatures that wouldn't even let me approach. Interestingly enough, they seemed to be aware that I was observing them (possibly due to their keen sense of sight and smell?) but as long as I kept my distance, they would also leave me be. I'd love to grab an Owlbear Egg sample, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to leave in one piece... Wish me luck!

  • Warlords of Chaos - Dungeons & Lasers...

    Slashed, pierced, or gutted - these are the only outcomes when fighting one of the three infamous division leaders of the forces of Chaos. Mahazeal, leader of the Wraiths and the Soulless, reaps the life essence of his enemies with a massive scythe. Volard of the Impalers can penetrate through any armor, with not even the sturdiest Dwarves being able to stand in his way. The Gourmet and his insatiable hunger devour entire armies, feasting on fear and flesh. Who could possibly stop such terrifying abominations?

  • Armies of Deuslair - Dungeons & Lasers...

    The cries of war echo throughout the plane of Deuslair

    The widows weep as their voices go forever unheard

    In this world, are there any that are just and fair

    Where fools go to die, it's the theatre of the absurd.

  • Giant Kraken - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    Terror from the deep.

    A calm ocean. The reflection of the sun. Refreshingly cool winds. For the crew aboard The Indomitable, it was just another hard day at work with sailors singing, oarsmen rowing, and sails blowing in the wind.

  • Dice and Tokens - Accessory Pack -...

    Prepare for your next quest with the Talisman Adventures Roleplaying Game Accessory Pack! This set of 6 custom Kismet dice and 7 heavy, double-sided Fate tokens is perfect for quickly determining the fate of both heroes and monsters. Don’t enter the Dungeon without it!

  • Kaoz - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    The Soul Harvester

    With a mastery over all things unholy, Kaoz bends reality itself to fit the will of his master. Armies of undead fall under his command, and cities fall as he spreads his teachings across the realm.

  • Dragon Turtle - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    The beaches of Encura stir as the first hatchlings break out of their eggs. Their parent - the Dragon Turtle, peacefully swims through the seas, paying little attention to sailors or coastal settlements. Some even refer to them as the protectors of the sea, even being connected to the ebb and flow of the very sea. But almost nobody knows how fierce they can be if they feel threatened or in danger - they've all sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

  • Observer - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    The beaches of Encura stir as the first hatchlings break out of their eggs. Their parent - the Dragon Turtle, peacefully swims through the seas, paying little attention to sailors or coastal settlements. Some even refer to them as the protectors of the sea, even being connected to the ebb and flow of the very sea. But almost nobody knows how fierce they can be if they feel threatened or in danger - they've all sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

  • Beastkin Hybrids - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    Heroes of all shapes and sizes unite, whether it's a stout pigman or a noble centaur, these chimeric characters come to life on your tabletop. Take on the role of one of these Heroic Hybrids and help to push back against the forces of Chaos.

  • Horrors of Deuslair - Dungeons & Lasers...

    You're lost out in the wilderness, would you rather encounter a man or a bear? What about a man riding atop a bear? If you chose the latter option, then we have the perfect collection for you. Join Tidor and his retinue of Legendary Hunters as they go face to face with the many and varied Horrors of Deuslair.

  • Prismacast Pre-painted Terrains - Dungeons...

    Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago. Brave heroes must venture into a dungeon full of beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful villain from rising again.

  • The World of Deuslair: Rpg Campaign -...

    The echoes of the long-forgotten god grow louder and louder. As the forces of Chaos rally, a group of unlikely heroes emerges, bearing the weight of a daunting quest—to unite the world of Deuslair against the common threat.

  • The World of Deuslair: Bestiary Book -...

    Forged in the eternal dance between two deities, Chaos and Order, the world of deuslair is rife with danger at every turn. As a humble servant to your curiosity, I’ve faced these perils, meticulously chronicling them for your enlightenment.

  • Deuslair Core Set - Dungeons & Lasers...

    The lands of Deuslair are strife with conflict, with various factions vying for dominance. From the Magic Smiths of the Fortress of Dragsa to the Jannah of the Kartagis Desert, everyone has their own self-interests in mind. In such a cruel and unforgiving world, only the weapons at your side can be trusted. Will you be the one to free the land of its endless cycle of suffering, or will you fully endorce it and bend Deuslair's inhabitants to your will? Various paths have been laid out, but the time to choose one is nigh.

  • Wolfrake - Dungeons & Lasers (Inglés)

    The Wolfrake - an abomination created by combining the most fierce and dangerous aspects of a Wolf and a Dragon. Its sharp claws and teeth tear through even the strongest of armor, and that's not even mentioning the fiery breath it uses, burning the most experienced adventurers to a crisp. Some claim that it was the scientists of the Fortress of Dragsa that created this monstrosity, but those voices quickly find themselves silenced - usually with a knife in their back.

  • Flying Pirates Airship - Dungeons & Lasers...

    Embark on a whimsical and daring journey as you delve into the boundless realm of flying ship designs created by ingenious pirates that dance on the edge of madness! Behold the extraordinary vessels crafted with unfettered creativity, each sail and adventure and witness the soaring spectacle of their unconventional designs that defy reason and redefine the skies!

  • Deceptive Encounters - Dungeons & Lasers...

    The creatures of Deuslair have many strategies for how to outsmart their prey - whether it be through shapeshifting or hiding in the shadows. Simple brute force may not be enough to best them, but do you have the skill to beat them at their own game?

  • Swamps of Doom - Dungeons & Lasers

    As you venture into these uncharted lands, make sure that your boat is well-protected. The creatures inhabiting this place will gladly ensure that you won't be able to escape their clutches. Moreover, do not trust every sound that reaches your ears, for these trees revel in playing tricks on wanderers, luring them into their haunting embrace. Once you set foot onto the platform, you may find temporary respite, but beware... the true journey has only just begun.

  • Vault 7 - Dungeons & Lasers

    Tired of exploring devastated cities and endless deserts? Are you looking for a more promising place than a scavenger's camp? Enter the Vault 7 - a real safe zone for a responsible and resourceful community. Will you join the folks and help them survive? Or will you just take over the whole vault? The choice is yours.

  • Woodland Dwellers - Dungeons & Lasers

    When venturing deep into the forest, be mindful of the myriad of creatures that you may encounter on your path. Prepare yourself, as a simple stroll through the woods can quickly turn into a fight for survival. Especially if you come across a cunning witch or a hungry werewolf.

  • Wave 7 The Great Rebellion - Masters of...

    ¡Eteria necesita ayuda! Lo que, en la superficie, parece un mundo impresionante, es en realidad una distopía. Está dominado por el puño de hierro de la Horda del Mal, que tomó el control de ese planeta hace mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, la esperanza parpadea en el horizonte. La Gran Rebelión resiste el gobierno del opresor e intenta cada día poner fin a su tiranía. No hay tiempo que perder: ¡She-Ra y sus amigos necesitan tu ayuda!

  • Fields of Eternia Llegan los Dragones -...

    Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia - Llegan los Dragones es una expansión para el juego de mesa Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia que proporciona nuevos escenarios para jugar, jefes desafiantes para luchar y enriquece la exploración en todo el mapa.

  • Fields of Eternia Enter the Dragons! -...

    In the land of Eternia, the forces of good, led by the Masters of the Universe and aided by the noble dragons of Darksmoke, must face off against the Forces of Evil and their "new weapon", the human-dragon hybrid known as Draego-Man. As tensions rise and the two sides prepare for battle, it's up to players to decide who will emerge victorious. Will the combined strength of the forces of good triumph, or will Draego-Man's power prove too great to overcome? Play the "Enter the Dragons!" expansion to find out!

    • Precio rebajado
    • Agotado
    • Envío Gratis

    Fantasy Starter Set - Dungeons & Lasers

    Entering this dungeon is a real act of courage... or stupidity. Haven't you heard about all the dangers? Then let me give you some  advice. Do not touch any switches because they will activate traps. Beware of hidden skeleton archers – they're aiming for the knees. Most of the chests are empty, so try to search the tombs. And if you face the big eyeball creature – run! Lord Bulbo knows no mercy.

  • Demonic Tree - Dungeons & Lasers

    The denizens of the forest aren't known for their hospitality, or perhaps they simply don't know how to welcome others properly. The Demonic Tree is frequently underestimated because of its sluggish movements, deceiving adventurers into dismissing it as a weak opponent. In the end, however, all travelers meet the same fate, becoming mere decorations on its dense branches.

  • Thall The Defiler - Dungeons & Lasers

    Death is beneath me!

    So you think you can stop me? Many of your kind have tried, and all have failed. They used swords, arrows, silly imitation of magic - all for nothing. I am an avatar of all your fears. I am a fate worse than death... I am Thall the Defiler!

  • Freyr The Stormbreaker - Dungeons & Lasers

    Thunders herald Freyr the Stormbreaker. You should better keep your head low before he toasts you. This dragon is the real master of the sky. No storm, cloud, or hurricane could stop him. The legend says that whoever defeats the Freyr will take over his unlimited power! Are you brave enough to challenge him?

  • Origon The Denouncer - Dungeons & Lasers

    This war has changed everything. It has brought dishonorable actions, purges, chaos. People have started using the power of the Forgotten Gods. That's why Origon the Denouncer has been summoned. The legendary dragon needs to intervene to prevent bloodshed and disruption of magic. You can be sure, my friend, that Origon will succeed... one way or another.

  • Dragon of Schmargonrog - Dungeons & Lasers

    The Dragon of Schmargonrog was once one of many dragons within the region of Schmargonrog and beyond, however now he is one of the last surviving. Having gone mad from the fires of Schmargonrog (where he resides) he actively hunts and kills his dragon brethren, wearing their bones as armor and proof of his conquest. He is a large black dragon with red highlights showing evidence of the volcanic area where he lives. Lava doesn't hurt him.

  • Ghost Dragon - Dungeons & Lasers

    The Dragon of Schmargonrog was once one of many dragons within the region of Schmargonrog and beyond, however now he is one of the last surviving. Having gone mad from the fires of Schmargonrog (where he resides) he actively hunts and kills his dragon brethren, wearing their bones as armor and proof of his conquest. He is a large black dragon with red highlights showing evidence of the volcanic area where he lives. Lava doesn't hurt him.

  • Wyvern - Dungeons & Lasers

    Its sharp claws, long tongue, and terrifying eyes warn everyone to stay away. Unfortunately, there's always that one man who needs to prove his bravery. Well then... now he can proudly represent the fresh Wyvern manicure.

  • Scales & Ales, Tavern - Dungeons & Lasers

    This is a cozy place where all are embraced with open arms. You will hear interesting stories (some true, others a little less so), enjoy a warm and delicious meal, and experience captivating performances by talented local musicians. This place truly buzzes with life, but remember, there is one rule - what happens in the tavern, stays in the tavern.

  • Grand Stronghold - Dungeons & Lasers

    Introducing the safest place in the whole kingdom, a mighty stronghold! Its magnificence never fails to leave anyone spellbound. In times of crisis, its labyrinthine corridors can house all of the residents, and the bountiful supplies hoarded in the towers could feed and ensure the prosperity of the populace. If the rumors are to be believed, an enchanting aura pervades its very structure, rendering it a sight that leaves all in wonder.

  • Dwarven Mine PrismaCast, Pre-Painted...

    Light up your torches adventurers!

    Descend into a Dwarven mine, a forgotten and mysterious place once filled with the sounds of hammers and laughter. Now, people say it's abandoned... or is it?

    With a few plastic clicks, turn your favorite map into a real dungeon on your gaming table. Place your miniatures, including mimics, and roll for the initiative! Walls will move to reveal hidden areas, doors will be unlocked, and treasures will be discovered. It is all up to you, Adventurers.

  • Sorcerer's Spire - Dungeons & Lasers

    Within the mystical Sorcerer's Spire, an obsidian sphere stands and exudes ancient magic. Shadowy chambers guard forgotten spells while the spire reaches for distant stars with its celestial observatories. Here, time bends and weaves, unveiling the tower's timeless allure.

  • Undercity Hideout - Dungeons & Lasers

    Best Left Undisturbed.

    Few know what terrors lie beneath the city's surface, although murmurs of cultists in the city have reached the ears of some taverngoers. Occasionally, screams can be heard near the city's sewers but even the guards aren't willing to investigate. The dangers that lurk within these halls require someone with keen eyes, lest the darkness that dwells here will take you away next...

  • Sci-Fi Starter Set - Dungeons & Lasers

    Hello Adventurer!

    Welcome to the world of Dungeons & Lasers, a complete universe of tabletop terrain! This set includes everything you need to assemble a multi-room sci-fi environment on your gaming table.

    You want to explore top-secret labs, military starbase, or abandoned space shuttle? It's all possible with this multi-configurable set. You can mix and match various sets, as everything is compatible with everything in Dungeons & Lasers.

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