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Juegos de la marca Decision Games (I)

  • Italian Campaign Campaigns in Europe III -...

    Campaigns in Europe (CIE) is a two-player series of games focused on campaign scenarios at the division/corps level. The system uses the same maps as War in Europe (WIE), with updated graphics and a more detailed terrain analysis. The counters have been upgraded and are presented with historical identifications. The game system utilizes a Move/Fight, Fight/Move sequence of play to portray simply doctrinal differences among contending armed forces. It also utilizes headquarters units to project logistics and combat support capabilities.

  • The First Indochina War - Strategy &...

    From 1946 to 1954 the French Union was locked in mortal combat with the forces of the Viet Minh. The prize was control of the French colony of Indochina (to include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos). The final Viet Minh victory has profound implications for the wider Cold War.

  • Case Blue 1942 , Campaigns in Europe II -...

    Campaigns in Europe (CIE) is a two-player series of games focused on campaign scenarios at the division/corps level. The system uses the same maps as War in Europe (WIE), with updated graphics and a more detailed terrain analysis. The counters have been upgraded and are presented with historical identifications. The game system utilizes a Move/Fight, Fight/Move sequence of play to portray simply doctrinal differences among contending armed forces. It also utilizes headquarters units to project logistics and combat support capabilities.

  • Korea: The Mobile War - Strategy & Tactics...

    Korea the Mobile War (1950-51) is a solitaire wargame covering the first year of the Korean War (July 1950 to June 1951). The game covers the critical mobile stage of the war when a decisive victory was in the cards. Historically, this phase ended in a stalemate with the front stabilized at the 38th parallel.

  • Grant's Overland Campaign - Strategy &...

    The Union Army of the Potomac's hard-fought campaign from the tangled forest of the Wilderness just south of the Rapidan River to the James River in the spring and summer of 1864 was the climatic struggle in Virginia during the American Civil War.

  • Drive on Stalingrad (Inglés)

    During World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union had been at war since the launching of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. Caught in a brutal war of attrition in the summer of 1942, a weakened German Army prepared to launch another major offensive, Operation Blue. The German Army would attempt to push into the Caucasus region to capture the oil fields of Baku, Grozny, and Maikop, while also advancing along the Don River to the city of Stalingrad on the Volga, with the additional hope of finally destroying the Soviet Red Army.

  • Siege of Jerusalem AD 70 - Strategy &...

    Siege of Jerusalem is a two-player wargame simulating the epic Roman assault on the city of Jerusalem in AD 70. The battle pits a veteran Roman army commanded by Titus Flavius against Judean rebels who are making an epic stand.

  • Coral Sea Solitaire: Deluxe Edition (Inglés)

    Coral Sea was the first of the Pacific War’s great carrier versus carrier battles. It was the result of an Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) offensive into the South Pacific, with their South Seas Fleet transporting invasion forces to Port Moresby (at New Guinea) and Tulagi (off Guadalcanal). Their strategic objective was to cut Allied lines of communication to Australia. The US Navy (USN) moved to counter and inflict a defeat on the Japanese fleet. The ensuing actions saw each side launch aircraft carrier strikes against opposing task forces. While the battle ended in an IJN tactical victory, the USN won strategically as the New Guinea invasion force broke off and returned to its base. Coral Sea set the stage for carrier battles which would pay off at Midway a month later.

  • Drive on Leningrad - World at War 96 (Inglés)

    The counters have been upgraded and are presented with historical identifications. The game system utilizes a Move/Fight, Fight/Move sequence of play to portray simply doctrinal differences among contending armed forces. It also utilizes headquarters units to project logistics and combat support capabilities.

  • War Plan Z. The Kriegsmarine Strikes -...

    War Plan Z assumes that Adolf Hitler had not canceled the Kriegsmarine (Germany Navy) expansion program in 1939. World War II in Europe does not begin September of that year. Instead, Hitler waits until War Plan Z is complete (in various stages). The game is a strategic two player simulation of the ensuing hypothetical naval campaigns fought between the Germans and the Allies sometime in the 1940s. One assumption of the game is that since Germany concentrates on increasing the Navy, there is no campaign in the west, so France remains an Allied power. Germany and the USSR still divide Poland, and an uneasy peace remains in effect on the Eastern Front.

  • A Mighty Fortress (Inglés)

    A Mighty Fortress simulates the conditions, which made possible the spread of the Lutheran Reformation and the subsequent Catholic reaction (the Counter-Reformation) in the years 1532-1555.

  • Alternative Strategies of World War I -...

    This issue presents a year-by-year analysis of the major strategic decisions made by The Central Powers and the Triple Entente during World War I. It examines the primary alternatives considered by each side for each year, analyzing where they could have done better. Topics covered include: dominant theories of strategy in 1914, the failure of the Schlieffen Plan, Britain's entry into the war, the 1915 and 1917 U-boat offensives, the Gallipoli campaign, the British Blockade and the neutrality of Scandinavia, the Somme offensive, Verdun, and the 1918 German "Kaiser's Battle" offensives. Sidebars also explain how tactical and technical developments affected both sides' strategies.

  • Operation Holland Alternate Battles of The...

    Operation Holland is a two-player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the operational parameters that would have been in place during the first eight days of fighting across northern Belgium and southeast Netherlands had Hitler decided to launch his massive counteroffensive toward Antwerp from there instead of the Ardennes. Such a German effort, if maximally successful, would likely have caused a three-to-four-month delay in the historic timeline of the Anglo-American advance into Germany.

  • Napoleon's Eagles 2: The Hundred Days, The...

    Napoleon’s Eagles 2: The Hundred Days, is the second game by designer Christopher Moeller in a series aiming to cover all of the great battles of the Napoleonic era.  Following Napoleon’s Eagles: Storm in the East, The Hundred Days covers the Emperor Napoleon’s Belgian campaign in 1815: four battles that culminated in one of the most famous conflicts in history: Waterloo.

  • Andrew Jackson's Battles - Strategy &...

    Andrew Jackson’s Battles is a tactical simulation of battles on the American frontier during the early 19th century, concentrating on the two major actions (Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans) in which Andrew Jackson participated.

  • The Great Turkish War - Strategy & Tactics...

    The Great Turkish War: the Balkans, 1683-1699 is a low- to intermediate-complexity, two-player, strategic-level wargame simulating the fight for the Balkans and the Eastern reaches of the Holy Roman Empire in the late 17th century. In 1683, the Ottomans launched their last major offensive on Vienna. The siege failed thanks to the timely arrival of reinforcements from Poland and the Empire. During the next decades the Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Poland, and Venice engaged the still-powerful Ottomans in the Balkans and in the Aegean. Better leadership and military advances allowed the Austrians to inflict several decisive defeats on the Ottomans and conquer most of Ottoman Hungary. For the first time in centuries, the Turks were in strategic retreat in Europe.

  • Chinese Civil War - Strategy & Tactics...

    The Chinese Civil War, 1945–59: A Military History: The Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War wasn’t inevitable, and it was the largest military struggle since the end of World War II. This issue will provide a campaign-by-campaign analysis, with detailed maps and orders of battle for both sides. Analysis will also be presented in regard to how the evolving attitude of the US enabled the Communist victory.

  • The Fall of Rome - Strategy & Tactics...

    The Fall of Rome: New Look. One of the most momentous events in history is the Fall of Rome, usually slated as occurring in the year AD 476. But what exactly happened? Why did the Roman state, which stood for a thousand years, collapse in the face of a series of incursions from over the Rhine and Danube? This issue will explore a wide range of factors.

  • Khalkhin-Gol: Mongolia 1939 - World at War...

    KHALKIN-GOL WAR is an operational-level, two-player wargame covering a “what if” Japanese-Soviet war in Mongolia in 1939. The historical campaign saw a series of limited actions in the late spring and early summer of 1939 along the Khalka River (Khalkin Gol) on the Manchukuoan/Outer Mongolian border. The campaign ended in a corps-level battle in August 1939 in which the Soviets decisively defeated the Japanese and produced a cease-fire between the two antagonists. The assumption of the game is that both Tokyo and Moscow decided instead to turn this into a full-scale war.

  • Tanks of August 2008 - Strategy & Tactics...

    Tanks of August is a two-player game of the conflict in Georgia and the two separatist entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia during mid-August 2008. Each game turn represents one day. The map scale is set at 10 km (6.2 miles) for each hex. 

  • Kesselring's War: Sicily & Southern Italy,...

    Kesselring’s War: Decision in Italy 1943-44 (Joseph Miranda) is an operational level two player wargame covering the campaign in Sicily and southern Italy, July 1943 to February 1944.

  • Sealion Deluxe Edition (Inglés)

    Operation Sealion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) was Nazi Germany’s code name for the plan for an invasion of England during the Battle of Britain. Historically, the Royal Air Force successfully defended England and precluded the invasion, but it was a close call. Events and military choices might have driven the RAF from southern English skies and permitted the invasion to be carried out. Sealion is a two-player wargame simulating a hypothetical German invasion of England in September of 1940. The British have lost the aerial Battle over Britain. However, the RAF has not been completely vanquished, and the Royal Navy’s Home Fleet can still present a credible threat to the German landings and supply lines in the English Channel.

  • Axis Empires: Ultimate Edition (Inglés)

    If you’re a diehard World War II grognard, then Axis Empires Ultimate Edition (AE) is the game for you. It’s the final evolution of our popular series of strategic games on the global struggles of 1937 to 1945 and beyond. Inside this box are the newest editions of both Totaler Krieg (TK) and Dai Senso (DS). TK covers the war in Europe, while DS does the same for Asia and the Pacific.

  • Folio Game Series: Marengo - Morning...

    The Napoleon at War classics are being updated to a Brigade-level System with Artillery largely in separate Units.

  • Vikings: Scourge of the North (Inglés)

    Europe in the last centuries of the Dark Age was beset by Scandinavian raiders. Their longships sailed the high seas, reaching lands as far as the Volga and North America. While mainly known for their pillaging, the Vikings were also explorers, traders, and colonists.

  • Pavia: Climax of the Italian Wars (Inglés)

    Pavia was the climactic clash of the Italian Wars, a decades-long struggle between Valois France and Habsburg Spain for control of Italy. Both sides have nascent pike-and-shot armies, the French still relying upon feudal knights, and the Spanish increasingly dependent on new individual firearms. Both sides also relied on mercenaries: Italian musketeers, Swiss pikemen, German Landsknechts. Tercios, too, are in their infancy; at Pavia, the battle is fought by smaller formations maneuvering in a broken, wooded area.

  • War of 1812 - Strategy & Tactics Quarterly...

    War of 1812: Rise of a Nation: The War of 1812 is sometimes called the Second American Revolution. The war saw the new United States engage Great Britain in North America and on the high seas, to include dramatic moments like the burning of Washington DC. The War of 1812 in many ways led to the foundations of the American military system for the ensuing century, to include a rise of professionalism, the reliance on volunteer regiments, and an aggressive naval policy.

  • Khe Sanh '68 (Inglés)

    Khe Sanh ‘68 places you in command of the campaign to hold the United States Marine Corps firebase at Khe Sanh during the Vietnam War. The historical campaign was a race against time as the US high command feared the North Vietnamese were going to attempt to overrun the base. All resources put into the Khe Sanh fight, however, were subtracted from those available to deal with the Tet Offensive elsewhere. Your mission is to inflict maximum Communist losses before the clock runs out.

  • Bastogne: A Desperate Defense (Inglés)

    The initial onslaught of the Germans’ Ardennes offensive, in December 1944, overran many US positions along the front line, and simply bypassed more stubbornly defended locations to maintain momentum. The small town of Bastogne, however, with its strategically critical road junctions, became the lynchpin of the entire campaign. The Germans soon realized Bastogne had to be captured; so attacked to assault the outnumbered and surrounded American units there. The desperate defense of Bastogne would typify the entire Battle of the Bulge.

  • Arnhem: The Farthest Bridge (Inglés)

    In September 1944, Operation Market Garden was intended to open a direct path for the Allied armies to circumvent the West Wall and threaten Germany’s industrial Ruhr heartland. British, American and Polish airborne forces were ordered to assault and capture key bridges along the main highway leading through Holland, the Arnhem bridge being the most distant of them all. Unfortunately, the Allies had gravely underestimated the strength of German forces in the area. When the airborne forces landed, they found themselves scattered amid an SS panzer division. The various bridges thus became the fulcrum of the entire operation for both sides.

  • Carolingian Twilight: Decline of an Empire...

    Carolingian Twilight: Decline of an Empire AD814 is a two to six-player game covering the decline of the Carolingian Empire following the death of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) in AD 814. The Salic Law of the Franks required that at a man’s death, his property was divided among all his sons, which led to civil wars among Charlemagne’s descendants when the inheritance in question was the Empire itself.

  • World at War 93: Baltic Offensive Fall...

    Fall 1944 is a two player simulation of the Soviet offensive in the Baltic countries in the Fall of 1944. The Soviet player must conquer as much territory as possible within a limited time frame, while the German forces must try to delay the Soviet advance as much as possible. The Soviet player has a positional advantage and numerical superiority, but it has a tight timetable to clear the Baltic countries so that the Red Army can return to the decisive direction of the war: the Vistula-Oder-Berlin axis. Each game turn represents 10 days. Each hexagon is 10 miles (15 kilometers) from side to opposite side. Units are corps, divisions, brigades or equivalents, and specialized smaller units.

  • Operation Albion - Strategy & Tactics...

    Operation Albion: Germany versus Russia in the Baltic, 1917-1918 is a two-player operational wargame of the campaign in the Baltic, 1917-18, in which the Germans captured the city of Riga and took critical islands in an amphibious operation. Operation Albion in part led to the collapse of the Russian Provisional Government and brought the final German victory in the East. The campaign was one of the few joint land-naval-air operations of World War I. The game includes the post-Albion German intervention in the Finnish Civil War of 1919.

  • Showdown: The Coming Indo-Pakistani War...

    When Pakistan declared itself independent from India, the enmity that had long existed between the two cultures erupted into open war. Since 1947, Pakistan and India have been military rivals and have fought several wars. Those wars, however, have been inconclusive. Since 1998, both nations have become nuclear powers and, consequently, the next Indo-Pakistani war could potentially become nuclear. Indeed, another war between Pakistan and India may be the final showdown.

  • Battles in the East 2: Uman Pocket and...

    Battles in the East (BITE) is a series simulating World War II Eastern Front battles. The system rules are an evolution of the SPI classics Panzergruppe Guderian, Army Group South, and Cobra. Unit integrity bonuses include Soviet Corps and vary to show the increasing Soviet cohesion and decreasing German cohesion as the war progresses. HQ units provide higher level combat support and supply advantages to corresponding units in range. BITEs also incorporates standardized scales (unit size, distance, time) for easy comparisons.

  • Battles in the East 1: Sandomierz...

    Battles in the East #1: Sandomierz Offensive and Bagration Stopped, 1944. (final proof stage). These two battles were fought along the Vistula River as the Soviets sought to gain bridgeheads. First Ukrainian Front, having just captured Lvov (Lemberg) continued a series of offensives with the Sandomierz Offensive that gained a massive bridgehead. The Germans counterattacked with two Panzerkorps. 

  • World at War 92 - Narvik 1940 (Inglés)

    Narvik 1940 On 6 April 1940 the troops of the German 139th Mountain Infantry Regiment embarked on a destroyer squadron in Bremen. They were led by Lt. Gen. Eduard Dietl, commander of 3rd Mountain Infantry Division. Their target was Narvik, a port above the Arctic Circle. The fighting there would last for over two months. Here is our analysis.

  • Stalin’s First Victory (1929) & The Battle...

    W91 Stalin’s First Victory (1929) & The Battle of Taierzhuang (1938) This game includes two separate and distinct battles. Both battles use many of the same rules and concepts, however for ease of play, the rules are separated into two distinct rule sets. The first set of rules cover Stalin’s First Victory and the second The Battle of Taierzhuang. Both games are low complexity two-player grand tactical games.

  • Long Range Desert Group: Special...

    Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) is a solitaire game covering British commando operations against the Axis forces in North Africa. The player must complete one of four missions to win a scenario, or complete all four progressively more difficult missions to win the campaign game.

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