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The hypothetical invasion of Malta 1942 - Operazione C3 - Para Bellum XIV (Italiano)

23,95 €

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Producto en Italiano

Operazione C3 is a simulation game that aims to reconstruct the planned, but never realized, invasion of the island of Malta by the Axis forces in the summer of 1942.

The game is played in turns, each representing one day of real time. The map scale is 1.5 km per hex, and the units represent represent battalions and companies that would have taken part in the campaign.

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Producto en Italiano

Operazione C3 is a simulation game that aims to reconstruct the planned, but never realized, invasion of the island of Malta by the Axis forces in the summer of 1942.

The game is played in turns, each representing one day of real time. The map scale is 1.5 km per hex, and the units represent represent battalions and companies that would have taken part in the campaign.



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  • Pago seguro a través de transferencia o tarjeta de crédito. Pago seguro a través de transferencia o tarjeta de crédito.
  • Envío a la península en 24h, gratis a partir de 40€. Envío a la península en 24h, gratis a partir de 40€.
  • Devoluciones antes de 7 días desde recepción. Devoluciones antes de 7 días desde recepción.
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