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Orruk Warclans - WARHAMMER Age of Sigmar (Inglés)

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42,45 €
12,74 € 70% de descuento
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The Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending war. Their society is built around conflict, and huge migratory invasions called Waaagh!s erupt from all corners of the Mortal Realms to drown the worlds of Order, Death, and Chaos in a green tide of violence. To face the Orruk Warclans is to face total annihilation, for their numbers are beyond counting, and they live solely for the thrill of bloody combat.

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The Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending war. Their society is built around conflict, and huge migratory invasions called Waaagh!s erupt from all corners of the Mortal Realms to drown the worlds of Order, Death, and Chaos in a green tide of violence. To face the Orruk Warclans is to face total annihilation, for their numbers are beyond counting, and they live solely for the thrill of bloody combat.

In this book, you'll discover the history of the Orruk Warclans, including their presence across the Mortal Realms and the societies that hold them together. As well as exploring the movements and motives of the orruk race, Battletome: Orruk Warclans also gives you insight into their spiritual connection to Gorkamorka, the primordial god of Destruction. The background information is complemented by a full suite of rules allowing you to field armies of Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and Kruleboyz, or to combine all three clans into one colossal Big Waaagh!.

This 136-page hardback book contains:

  • A war chest of lore about the Orruk Warclans, their history, and their activities following the return of Kragnos
  • Stunning art depicting the Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and the new Kruleboyz
  • 37 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for everything from sneaky Hobgrot Slittaz to the Earthquake God himself
  • 15 warscroll battalions for Path to Glory narrative campaigns
  • Allegiance abilities for every Orruk Warclans subfaction, including battle traits, command traits, and artefacts of power, as well as the Big Waaagh! that combines Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, and Kruleboyz
  • Content for matched play, including 5 grand strategies, 6 battle tactics, and 3 core battalions
  • Path to Glory campaign rules for creating an Orruk Warclans warband
  • A beautiful miniature showcase and painting guide for getting the most out of your Waaagh!
  • Extensive bestiary information for the Orruk Warclans units, including the background of Kragnos, End of Empires


Jugadores (mínimo)
Edad mínima recomendada
Jugadores (máximo)
Duración media de la partida
45 min
Nivel de dificultad
Formato pequeño (portátil)

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